Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. BioRad: biological analysis and visualization of weather radar data

    Weather surveillance radars are increasingly used for monitoring the movements and abundances of ...

    AM Dokter, P Desmet, JH Spaaks, S van Hoey, L Veen, L Verlinden, C Nilsson, G Haase, H Leijnse, A Farnsworth, W Bouten, J Shamoun-Baranes | published | Ecography | 2019 | 42
  2. The FlySafe project: How weather radars can improve the en-route bird strike warning system

    In civil aviation the majority of bird strikes occur below 1000 ft, thus civil bird strikes predo...

    H van Gasteren, A Dekker, J Shamoun-Baranes, H Leijnse, M Kemp, M de Graaf, W Bouten | 2012 | 2012
  3. The FlySafe project: How weather radars can improve the en-route bird strike warning system

    In civil aviation the majority of bird strikes occur below 1000 ft, thus civil bird strikes predo...

    H van Gasteren, A Dekker, J Shamoun-Baranes, H Leijnse, M Kemp, M de Graaf, W Bouten | 2012 | 2012 | International Bird Strike Committee
  4. Bird migration monitoring across Europe using weather radar

    It has recently been shown that weather radars can be used to monitor bird migration for single r...

    M de Graaf, H Leijnse, A Dokter, J Shamoun-Baranes, H van Gasteren, J Koistinen, W Bouten | 2012 | 2012 | European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology | ERAD
  5. Birds flee en mass from New Year's Eve fireworks

    J Shamoun-Baranes, AM Dokter, H van Gasteren, EE van Loon, H Leijnse, W Bouten | published | Behavioral Ecology | 2011
  6. The European Space Agency\'s FlySafe project, looking at the bird strike problem from another perspective

    The bird strike problem is a negative side effect of the aerial mobility of both aircraft and bir...

    A Dekker, H van Gasteren, W Bouten, J Shamoun-Baranes, A Borst, I Holleman, A Dokter, A Ginati, G Garofalo | 2008 | 0 | IBSC
  7. Quality Assessment of Weather Radar Wind Profiles during Bird Migration

    Wind profiles from an operational C-band Doppler radar have been combined with data from a bird t...

    I Holleman, H van Gasteren, W Bouten | published | J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | 2008 | 25
  8. Extracting bird migration information from C-band Doppler weather radars

    Although radar has been used in studies of bird migration for 60 years, there is still no network...

    H van Gasteren, I Holleman, W Bouten, E van Loon | published | Ibis | 2008 | 150
  9. Evaluating a model of evaporation and transpiration with observations in a partially wet Douglas-Fir forest.

    FC Bosveld, W Bouten | published | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2003 | 108
  10. On the information content of forest transpiration measurements for identifying canopy conductance model parameters

    SC Dekker, W Bouten, FC Bosveld | published | Hydrol. Proc. | 2001 | 15
  11. Evaluation of transpiration models with observations over a Douglas fir forest.

    FC Bosveld, W Bouten | published | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | 2001 | 108
  12. Evaluation of possiblities to incorporate water stress effects in three stomatal conductance models when modelling daily ecosystem fluxes of a Douglas fir forest.

    MT van Wijk, SC Dekker, W Bouten, FC Bosveld, W Kohsiek, K Kramer, GMJ Mohren | published | Tree Phys. | 1999 | 20