Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. State of the Climate - Europe and the Middle East

    K Trachte, R Trigo, A Ramos, S Sensoy, D Parker, P Bissoli, M Demircan, C Photiadou, G Verver, G van der Schrier | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2015 | 96
  2. Mei-juni 2013: Extreme neerslag in Midden-Europa

    Eind mei en begin juni 2013 viel er in een groot gebied in Midden-Europa een extreme hoeveelheid ...

    G van der Schrier, EJM van den Besselaar, R Leander, G Verver, AMG Klein Tank, J Beersma, GJ van Oldenborgh, M Plieger, R Renshaw, P Bissoli | published | Meteorologica | 2013
  3. Monitoring European averaged temperature based on the E-OBS gridded dataset

    G van der Schrier, EJM van den Besselaar, AMG Klein Tank, G Verver | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2013 | 118
  4. Inventarisatie van gebruikerswensen voor klimaatinformatie

    This report presents an overview of user demands for climate information for professional use (cl...

    J Bessembinder, B Overbeek, G Verver | 13-4-2011 | pp45
  5. Troposferisch ozon en het klimaat

    De chemische samenstelling van de atmosfeer hangt op vele manieren samen met de toestand van het ...

    T van Noije, H Eskes, G Verver, R van der A | 2008
  6. Aerosol distributions demonstrating the working system for the assimilation of satellite aerosol observations on European and global scales

    A model system for the assimilation of satellite observations of aerosol optical depth has been d...

    PFJ van Velthoven, G Verver, B Henzing | 2006 | KNMI | 2006
  7. DAEDALUS Delivery of AErosol proDucts for Assimilation and environmentaL USe

    O Boucher, PFJ van Velthoven, B Henzing, P Stammes, G Verver | 2004 | LOA | 2004