Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Assessing and optimizing the performance of infrasound networks to monitor volcanic eruptions

    We propose a numerical modeling technique based on a frequency-dependent attenuation relation to ...

    D Tailpied, A Le Pichon, E Marchetti, JD Assink, S Vergniolle | published | Geophys. J. Int. | 2017 | 208
  2. Comparison of co-located independent ground-based middle atmospheric wind and temperature measurements with numerical weather prediction models

    High-resolution, ground-based and independent observations including co-located wind radiometer, ...

    A Le Pichon, JD Assink, et al, PSM Smets, LG Evers, et al | published | Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

    Infrasound recordings in the 0.1 to 4 Hz band as input of inversion procedures to delineate the v...

    J Assink, A Le Pichon, F Baier, PSM Smets | 2014 | - | 2014
  4. TR 4.1 Review of current knowledge on infrasonic waves

    The objective of this work package is the definition of the specifications of the ARISE advanced ...

    M Bittner, N Brachet, P Campus, L Eliasson, LG Evers, T Farges, S Gibbons, T Kvaerna, J Lastovicka, A Le Pichon, E Marhetti, C Pilger, M Ripepe, T Sindelarova, PSM Smets | 2012 | ARISE | 2012
  5. Long-range acoustic observations of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption, Iceland, April-May 2010

    The April-May 2010 summit eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, was recorded by 14 atmospheric i...

    R Matoza, J Vergoz, A Le Pichon, L Ceranna, D Green, LG Evers, M Ripepe, P Campus, L Liszka, T Kvaerna, E Kjartansson, A Höskuldsson | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2011 | 38
  6. Ground Truth Events: Assessing the Capability of Infrasound Networks Using High Resolution Data Analysis

    D Green, A Le Pichon, L Ceranna, LG Evers | published | Infrasound monitoring for atmospheric studies | 2010 | Springer | yes
  7. Assessing the performance of the International Monitoring System infrasound network: Geographical coverage and temporal variabilities

    A Le Pichon, J Vergoz, E Blanc, J Guilbert, L Ceranna, LG Evers, N Brachet | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2009 | 114
  8. Evidence of a meteoritic origin of the September 15th, 2007 Carancas crater

    A Le Pichon, K Antier, Y Cansi, B Hernandez, E Minaya, B Burgoa, D Drob, LG Evers, J Vaubaillon | published | Meteoritics & Planetary Science | 2009 | 43