Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. A rockslide-generated tsunami in a Greenland fjord rang Earth for 9 days

    Climate change is increasingly predisposing polar regions to large landslides. Tsunamigenic lands...

    K Svennevig, SP Hicks, T Forbriger, T. Lecocq, R. Widmer-Schnidrig, ..., JD Assink, LG Evers, et al | Science | 2024 | 385
  2. Albatross movement suggests sensitivity to infrasound cues at sea

    The ways in which seabirds navigate over very large spatial scales remain poorly understood. Whil...

    N Gillies, LM Martín López, OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, M Basille, TA Clay, S Clusella-Trullas, R Joo, H Weimerskirch, M Zampolli, JN Zeyl, SC Patrick | Proceedings of the National Academy of Science | 2023
  3. Introduction to the Special Section on Seismoacoustics and Seismoacoustic Data Fusion

    A variety of geophysical hazards (e.g., volcanic activity, earthquakes, mass movements, marine st...

    FK Dannemann Dugick, JW Bishop, L Martire, AM Iezzi, JD Assink, Q Brissaud, S Arrowsmith | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2023
  4. Probing Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere Using Infrasound From Explosions

    This study uses low-frequency, inaudible acoustic waves (infrasound) to probe wind and temperatur...

    E Vorobeva, JD Assink, PJ Espy, T Renkwitz, I Chunchuzov, SP Näsholm | Journal of Geophysical Research | 2023
  5. Remote Characterization of the 12 January 2020 Eruption of Taal Volcano, Philippines, Using Seismo‐Acoustic, Volcanic Lightning, and Satellite Observations

    On 12 January 2020, an eruption began on the shores of the Main Crater Lake (MCL) of Taal Volcano...

    A Perttu, JD Assink, AR Van Eaton, C Caudron, C Vagasky, J Krippner, K McKee, S De Angelis, B Perttu, B Taisne, G Lube | Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America | 2023
  6. Small-Scale Discharges Observed Near the Top of a Thunderstorm

    We have used the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) to image a few lightning flashes during a particular...

    O Scholten, BM Hare, J Dwyer, N Liu, C Sterpka, JD Assink, H Leijnse, S ter Veen | Geophysical Research Letters | 2023
  7. Passive Assessment of Geophysical Instruments Performance using Electrical Network Frequency Analysis

    The electrical network frequency (ENF) of the alternating current operated on the power grid is a...

    M Koymans, JD Assink, E de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, LG Evers | Seismica | 2023 | 2
  8. A two-dimensional effective sound speed parabolic equation model for infrasound propagation with ground topography

    A terrain capable parabolic equation (PE) propagation algorithm for long range infrasound propaga...

    R Waxler, C Hetzer, JD Assink, PS Blom | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2022 | 152
  9. Atmospheric model inversion using infrasound signals from the North Korean underground nuclear explosion and the subsequent collapse event in 2017

    This study focuses on the infrasound signals from the September 2017 North Korean underground nuc...

    J Park, JD Assink, B Stump, C Hayward, S Arrowsmith, I. Che | Geophysical Journal International | 2022 | 232
  10. Atmospheric waves and global seismoacoustic observations of the January 2022 Hunga eruption, Tonga

    The 15 January 2022 climactic eruption of Hunga volcano, Tonga, produced an explosion in the atmo...

    RS Matoza, JD Assink, D Fee, AM Iezzi, DN Green, ..., S Shani-Kadmiel, G Averbuch, LG Evers, et al. | Science | 2022 | 377
  11. Long-Term Infrasonic Monitoring of Land and Marine-Terminating Glaciers in Greenland

    A period of 18 years of infrasonic recordings was analyzed from a microbarometer array (I18DK) in...

    LG Evers, PSM Smets, JD Assink, S Shani-Kadmiel, K Kondo, S Sugiyama | Geophysical Research Letters | 2022
  12. A climatology of microbarom detections at the Kerguelen Islands: unravelling the ambient noise wavefield

    The ambient infrasonic noise field is complex due to the interference of spatially distributed in...

    OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, PSM Smets, LG Evers | Geophysical Journal International | 2022
  13. Infrasound as a Cue for Seabird Navigation

    Seabirds are amongst the most mobile of all animal species and spend large amounts of their lives...

    SC Patrick, JD Assink, M Basille, S Clusella-Trullas, TA Clay, OFC den Ouden, R Joo, JN Zeyl, S Benhamou, J Christensen-Dalsgaard, LG Evers, AL Fayet, C Köppl, EP Malkemper, LM Martín López, O Padget, RA Phillips, MK Prior, PSM Smets, EE van Loon | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 2021 | 9
  14. A Bird’s-Eye View on Ambient Infrasonic Soundscapes

    A method is introduced to reconstruct microbarom soundscapes in absolute values. The soundscapes ...

    OFC den Ouden, PSM Smets, JD Assink, LG Evers | Geophysical Research Letters | 2021 | 48
  15. Evaluating the state-of-the-art in remote volcanic eruption characterization Part II: Ulawun volcano, Papua New Guinea

    Retrospective eruption characterization is valuable for advancing our understanding of volcanic s...

    K McKee, CM Smith, K Reath, E Snee, S Maher, RS Matoza, S Carn, DC Roman, L Mastin, K Anderson, D Damby, I Itikarai, K Mulina, S Saunders, JD Assink, R de Negri Leiva, A Perttu | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 2021 | 420
  16. Evaluating the state-of-the-art in remote volcanic eruption characterization Part I: Raikoke volcano, Kuril Islands

    Raikoke, a small, unmonitored volcano in the Kuril Islands, erupted in June 2019. We integrate da...

    K McKee, CM Smith, K Reath, E Snee, S Maher, RS Matoza, S Carn, L Mastin, K Anderson, D Damby, DC Roman, A Degterev, A Rybin, M Chibisova, JD Assink, R de Negri Leiva, A Perttu | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 2021 | 419
  17. The INFRA-EAR: a low-cost mobile multidisciplinary measurement platform for monitoring geophysical parameters

    Geophysical studies and real-time monitoring of natural hazards, such as volcanic eruptions or se...

    OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, C Oudshoorn, D Filippi, LG Evers | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2021 | 14
  18. The 2010 Haiti earthquake revisited: An acoustic intensity map from remote atmospheric infrasound observations

    In the days following the January 12, 2010 Mw 7 Haiti earthquake the shaking intensity near the e...

    S Shani-Kadmiel, G Averbuch, PSM Smets, JD Assink, LG Evers | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2021 | 560
  19. The impact and recovery of asteroid 2018 LA

    The June 2, 2018 impact of asteroid 2018 LA over Botswana is only the second asteroid detected in...

    P Jenniskens, JD Assink, LG Evers, et al. | Meteoritics & Planetary Science | 2021 | 56
  20. Correlation between GNSS-TEC and eruption magnitude supports the use of ionospheric sensing to complement volcanic hazard assessment

    Despite the global threat posed by large-scale eruptions to communities, to the climate, and to t...

    F Manta, G Occhipinti, E Hill, A Perttu, JD Assink, B Taisne | accepted | Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth | 2020 | 126
  21. Sex‐specific effects of wind on the flight decisions of a sexually dimorphic soaring bird

    In a highly dynamic airspace, flying animals are predicted to adjust foraging behaviour to variab...

    TA Clay, R Joo, H Weimerskirch, RA Phillips, OFC den Ouden, M Basille, S Clusella-Trullas, JD Assink, S Patrick | published | Movement Ecology | 2020 | 89
  22. Infrasonic hearing in birds: a review of audiometry and hypothesized structure–function relationships

    The perception of airborne infrasound (sounds below 20 Hz, inaudible to humans except at very hig...

    JN Zeyl, OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, et al. | published | Biological Reviews | 2020 | 95
  23. Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures

    Human activity causes vibrations that propagate into the ground as high-frequency seismic waves. ...

    T Lecocq, S Hicks, K van Noten, K van Wijk, P Koelemeijer, RSM de Plaen, F Massin, G Hillers, JD Assink, OFC den Ouden, LG Evers, MR Koymans, S Shani Kadmiel, R Sleeman | published | Science | 2020 | 369
  24. Estimates of plume height from infrasound for regional volcano monitoring

    Present efforts in volcano monitoring, particularly in Southeast Asia, rely on the combination of...

    A Perttu, B Taisne, S de Angelis, JD Assink, D Tailpied, RA Williams | published | Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 2020 | 402
  25. CLEAN beamforming for the enhanced detection of multiple infrasonic sources

    The detection and characterization of signals of interest in the presence of (in)coherent ambient...

    OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, PSM Smets, G Averbuch, S Shani Kadmiel, LG Evers | published | Geophys. J. Int. | 2020 | 221