Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Long-Term Infrasonic Monitoring of Land and Marine-Terminating Glaciers in Greenland

    A period of 18 years of infrasonic recordings was analyzed from a microbarometer array (I18DK) in...

    LG Evers, PSM Smets, JD Assink, S Shani-Kadmiel, K Kondo, S Sugiyama | Geophysical Research Letters | 2022
  2. A climatology of microbarom detections at the Kerguelen Islands: unravelling the ambient noise wavefield

    The ambient infrasonic noise field is complex due to the interference of spatially distributed in...

    OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, PSM Smets, LG Evers | Geophysical Journal International | 2022
  3. Infrasound as a Cue for Seabird Navigation

    Seabirds are amongst the most mobile of all animal species and spend large amounts of their lives...

    SC Patrick, JD Assink, M Basille, S Clusella-Trullas, TA Clay, OFC den Ouden, R Joo, JN Zeyl, S Benhamou, J Christensen-Dalsgaard, LG Evers, AL Fayet, C Köppl, EP Malkemper, LM Martín López, O Padget, RA Phillips, MK Prior, PSM Smets, EE van Loon | Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution | 2021 | 9
  4. A Bird’s-Eye View on Ambient Infrasonic Soundscapes

    A method is introduced to reconstruct microbarom soundscapes in absolute values. The soundscapes ...

    OFC den Ouden, PSM Smets, JD Assink, LG Evers | Geophysical Research Letters | 2021 | 48
  5. The 2010 Haiti earthquake revisited: An acoustic intensity map from remote atmospheric infrasound observations

    In the days following the January 12, 2010 Mw 7 Haiti earthquake the shaking intensity near the e...

    S Shani-Kadmiel, G Averbuch, PSM Smets, JD Assink, LG Evers | Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2021 | 560
  6. CLEAN beamforming for the enhanced detection of multiple infrasonic sources

    The detection and characterization of signals of interest in the presence of (in)coherent ambient...

    OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, PSM Smets, G Averbuch, S Shani Kadmiel, LG Evers | published | Geophys. J. Int. | 2020 | 221
  7. A study on the ambient noise field at a hydroacoustic array near Robinson Crusoe Island

    Continuous long-term sound sources are recorded at hydroacoustic station H03S, a threeelement hyd...

    KAM Sambell, PSM Smets, DG Simons, M Snellen, LG Evers | published | Geophys. J. Int. | 2019 | 218
  8. Meteorological Source Variability in Atmospheric Gravity Wave Parameters Derived From a Tropical Infrasound Station

    Gravity waves are an important part of the momentum budget of the atmosphere. Despite this, param...

    GJ Marlton, AJ Charlton-Perez, RG Harrison, Blanc, LG Evers, A Le-Pichon, PSM Smets | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2019 | 124
  9. The Mount Meron infrasound array: an infrasound array without a noise reduction system

    Measurements of seismo-acoustic events by collocated seismic and infrasound arrays allow for stud...

    G Averbuch, Y Ben-Horin, PSM Smets, LG Evers | published | Geophys. J. Int. | 2019 | 219
  10. A Three-Dimensional Array for the Study of Infrasound Propagation Through the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) operates a three-dimensionalmicrobarometer ...

    MME Smink, JD Assink, FC Bosveld, PSM Smets, LG Evers | published | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 2019 | 124
  11. Advances in infrasonic remote sensing methods

    Infrasound recordings can be used as input to inversion procedures to delineate the vertical stru...

    JD Assink, PSM Smets, O Marcillo, C Weemstra, JM Lalande, R Waxler, LG Evers | published | Infrasound Monitoring for Atmospheric Studies | 2019
  12. Toward an Improved Representation of Middle Atmospheric Dynamics Thanks to the ARISE Project

    This paper reviews recent progress toward understanding the dynamics of the middle atmosphere in ...

    E Blanc, LG Evers, JD Assink, PSM Smets, et al. | published | Surveys in Geophysics | 2018 | 39
  13. Infrasound from the 2009 and 2017 DPRK rocket launches

    Supersonic rockets generate low-frequency acoustic waves, that is, infrasound, during the launch ...

    LG Evers, JD Assink and PSM Smets | published | Geophysical Journal International | 2018 | 213
  14. Extracting low signal-to-noise ratio events with the Hough transform from sparse array data

    Low-frequency acoustic, i.e., infrasound, waves are measured by sparse arrays of microbarometers....

    G Averbuch, JD Assink, PSM Smets, LG Evers | published | Geophysics | 2018
  15. A seismo-acoustic analysis of the 2017 North Korean nuclear test

    The 2017 North Korean nuclear test gave rise to seismic and low-frequency acoustic signals, i.e. ...

    JD Assink, G Averbuch, S Shani Kadmiel, PSM Smets, LG Evers | published | Seismological Research Letters | 2018 | 89
  16. Seismoacoustic Coupled Signals From Earthquakes in Central Italy: Epicentral and Secondary Sources of Infrasound

    In this study we analyze infrasound signals from three earthquakes in central Italy. The Mw 6.0 A...

    S Shani Kadmiel, JD Assink, PSM Smets, LG Evers | published | Geophysical Research Letters | 2018 | 45
  17. The potential impact of upper stratospheric measurements on sub-seasonal forecasts in the extra-tropics

    This chapter examines the potential improvements in tropospheric weather forecasts that might ar...

    CF Lee, PSM Smets, AJ Charlton-Perez, LG Evers, RG Harrison, G Marlton | submitted | Infrasound for atmospheric studies vol. 2 | 2017 | Springer | yes
  18. On the infrasound detected from the 2013 and 2016 DPRK's underground nuclear tests

    The underground nuclear tests by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) generated atmos...

    JD Assink, G Averbuch, PSM Smets, LG Evers | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2016 | 43
  19. Comparison of co-located independent ground-based middle atmospheric wind and temperature measurements with numerical weather prediction models

    High-resolution, ground-based and independent observations including co-located wind radiometer, ...

    A Le Pichon, JD Assink, et al, PSM Smets, LG Evers, et al | published | Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015
  20. Infrasonic interferometry applied to microbaroms observed at the Large Aperture Infrasound Array in the Netherlands

    We present the results of infrasonic interferometry applied to microbaroms, obtained from ambient...

    JT Fricke, LG Evers, PSM Smets, CPA Wapenaar, DG Simons | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2014 | 119

    Infrasound recordings in the 0.1 to 4 Hz band as input of inversion procedures to delineate the v...

    J Assink, A Le Pichon, F Baier, PSM Smets | 2014 | - | 2014
  22. Evanescent wave coupling in a geophysical system: Airborne acoustic signals from the Mw 8.1 Macquarie Ridge earthquake

    Atmospheric low frequency sound, i.e., infrasound, from underwater events has not been considered...

    LG Evers, D Brown, K Heaney, JD Assink, PSM Smets, M Snellen | published | Geophys. Res. Lett. | 2014 | 41
  23. TR 5.3 Summary of methodology and temperature series

    This report summarizes the results and methodologies that have been obtained by individual member...

    C Schmidt, S Wust, M Bittner, PSM Smets | 2013 | ARISE | 2013
  24. TR 4.1 Review of current knowledge on infrasonic waves

    The objective of this work package is the definition of the specifications of the ARISE advanced ...

    M Bittner, N Brachet, P Campus, L Eliasson, LG Evers, T Farges, S Gibbons, T Kvaerna, J Lastovicka, A Le Pichon, E Marhetti, C Pilger, M Ripepe, T Sindelarova, PSM Smets | 2012 | ARISE | 2012
  25. TR 3.1 Current knowledge on gravity waves and tides

    The goal of this literature report is to provide a conclusive overview concerning knowledge about...

    S Wüst, S Wildner, P Wachter, M Bittner, J Lastovicka, PSM Smets, LG Evers, E Blanc, C Millet, A Hauchecorne | 2012 | ARISE | 2012