Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Fifty years of Atmospheric Boundary-Layer Research at Cabauw serving Weather, Air Quality and Climate.

    An overview is given of 50-year Cabauw observations and research on the structure and dynamics of...

    FC Bosveld, P Baas, ACM Beljaars, AAM Holtslag, J Vilà-Guearau de Arellan, BJH van de Wiel | published | Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | 2020 | 177
  2. Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers and Diurnal Cycles – Challenges for Weather and Climate Models

    AAM Holtslag, G Svensson, P Baas, S Basu, B Beare, ACM Beljaars, FC Bosveld, J Cuxart, GJ Steeneveld, M Tjernstrom, BJH van de Wiel | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2013 | 94
  3. A dual mass flux framework for boundary layer convection. Part I: Transport

    This study considers the question of what is the least complex bulk mass flux framework that can ...

    RAJ Neggers, M Koehler, ACM Beljaars | published | J. Atmos. Sci. | 2009 | 66
  4. Evaluation of the vertical diffusion coefficients from ERA-40 with 222Rn simulations

    DJL Olivié, PFJ van Velthoven, ACM Beljaars | published | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2004 | 4
  5. Comparison between archived and off-line diagnosed convective mass fluxes in the chemistry transport model TM3

    DJL Olivié, PFJ van Velthoven, ACM Beljaars, HM Kelder | published | J. Geophys. Res. | 2004
  6. The impact of finite sampling rate on eddy-covariance fluxes.

    FC Bosveld, ACM Beljaars | published | Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | 2001 | 109
  7. Offline validation of the ERA40 surface scheme

    A new surface scheme is introduced in the upcoming ecmwf global reanalysis covering a 40-year per...

    BJJM van den Hurk, P Viterbo, ACM Beljaars, AK Betts | published | 2000