Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Estimating trends and the current climate mean in a changing climate

    Describing the climate evolution using trend lines and estimating the current climate mean (CCM) ...

    Scherrer, S. C., de Valk, C., Begert, M., Gubler, S., Kotlarski, S., & Croci-Maspoli, M. | Climate Services | 2024 | 33
  2. The acceleration of sea-level rise along the coast of the Netherlands started in the 1960s

    While a global acceleration of sea-level rise (SLR) during the 20th century is now established, l...

    Iris Keizer, Dewi Le Bars, Cees de Valk, André Jüling, Roderik van de Wal, Sybren Drijfhout. | Ocean Science | 2023 | 19
  3. Homogenization of daily temperatures using covariates and statistical learning—The case of parallel measurements

    A data driven method based on generalized additive modelling (GAM) has been developed for homogen...

    de Valk, Cees en Brandsma, Theo | International Journal of Climatology | 2023
  4. Guidance on the use of meteorological time series constructed to match the KNMI’23 climate scenarios

    In the previously issued KNMI climate scenarios Klein Tank et al. (2014), time-series of weather ...

    H.W. van den Brink, C.F. de Valk | --2023 | pp35
  5. Update van de statistiek van extreme zeewaterstand en wind op basis van meetgegevens en modelsimulaties

    Voor de beoordeling van de veiligheid van de primaire waterkeringen in Nederland die in 2023 van ...

    C.F. de Valk, H.W. van den Brink | --2023 | pp89
  6. Comparison of tail models and data for extreme value analysis of high tide water levels along the Dutch coast

    To assess the reliability of flood protection in the Netherlands, return values of wind speed and...

    C.F de Valk, H.W. van den Brink | --2023 | pp72
  7. A new E-OBS gridded data set for daily mean wind speed for Europe

    In this paper we present daily mean wind speed as a new variable in the publicly accessible E-OBS...

    Jouke H.S. de Baar, Gerard van der Schrier, Else J.M. van den Besselaar, Irene Garcia-Marti, Cees de Valk | Int. J. Climatol. | 2023 | 58
  8. A simple model for predicting the statistics of spatiotemporal extremes of sub-daily precipitation

    For a single site (of a rain gauge, say), the statistics of extreme precipitation are convenientl...

    Cees de Valk, Aart Overeem | Weather and Climate Extremes | 2022 | 36
  9. Hot-air balloon forecasts at KNMI, a validation study for the application of ECMWF and HIRLAM data

    This validation study focuses on the input data quality for the special hot-air balloon forecasts...

    Cisco de Bruijn, Bas de Haan, Paul de Valk, and Sander Tijm | --2021 | pp24
  10. Bepaling van de statistiek van zware neerslag voor het Nederlandse wegennet

    handleiding en technische achtergrond van versie 2.1

    C.F. de Valk | --2021 | pp67
  11. Standard method for determining a climatological trend

    KNMI needs a standard method for determining a trend, to be used routinely and in standard KNMI p...

    C.F. de Valk | --2020 | pp35
  12. Estimation of wind speeds with very high return periods from large datasets generated by weather prediction models : statistical aspects

    To assess the reliability of flood protection in the Netherlands, return values of wind speed and...

    C.F. de Valk, H.W. van den Brink | --2020 | pp55
  13. Uncertainty analysis of climatological parameters of the Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA)

    We use statistical methods to assess the uncertainty of the DOWA climatological parameters, and c...

    C. de Valk and I.L. Wijnant | --2019 | pp34
  14. The Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA): description of the dataset

    The Dutch Offshore Wind Atlas (DOWA) is a wind atlas covering a period of 11 years, from 2008 unt...

    I.L. Wijnant, B. van Ulft, B. van Stratum, J. Barkmeijer, J. Onvlee, C. de Valk, S. Knoop, S. Kok, G.J. Marseille, H. Klein Baltink, A. Stepek | --2019 | pp60
  15. A high quantile estimator based on the log-generalized Weibull tail limit

    The estimation of high quantiles for very low probabilities of exceedance pn much smaller than 1/...

    CF de Valk, JJ Cai | published | Econometrics and Statistics | 2018 | 6
  16. Cb-Tcu classification based on radar and satellite observations

    Cumulonimbus and towering cumulus clouds form a threat for save aviation conditions. Their  dete...

    J.P.J.M.M. de Valk and R.M. van Westrhenen | --2015 | pp84
  17. Analysis of a compounding surge and precipitation event in the Netherlands

    BJJM van den Hurk, E van Meijgaard, P de Valk, KJ van Heringen, J Gooijer | published | Environmental Research Letters | 2015 | 10
  18. 3D Exploration of Weather Data in Combination with IASI L2 Products for Better Understanding of Potential Applications

    At the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) the Weather3DeXplorer (W3DX) is develope...

    M Koutek, S de Haan, I van der Neut, F Debie, P de Valk, S Tjemkes | 2014 | 2014
  19. Impact of ASCAT Scatterometer Wind Observations on the High-Resolution Limited-Area Model (HIRLAM) within an Operational Context

    Denial experiments, also denoted observing system experiments (OSEs), are used to determine the i...

    S de Haan, GJ Marseille, P de Valk, J de Vries | published | Weather and Forecasting | 2013
  20. Probability of Cb and Tcu occurrence based upon radar and satellite observations

    The detection of Cumulonimbi (Cb) and towering cumuli (Tcu) is relevant for aviation as they are...

    Paul de Valk and Rudolf van Westrhenen | --2010 | pp60
  21. An automated day-time cloud detection technique applied to MSG-SEVIRI data over Western Europe

    YS Bennouna, RL Curier, G Leeuw, Piazzola, RA Roebeling, P de Valk | published | Int. J. of Remote Sens. | 2010 | 23
  22. Verification of a MSG Image Forecast Model: METCAST

    G Delgado, P de Valk, A Redano, S van der Veen, J Lorente | published | Weather and Forecasting | 2008 | 23
  23. Cloud masking using MSG and HIRLAM

    Clouds occurrence is the direct consequence of atmospheric processes relevant to the (scientific)...

    J.P.J.M.M. de Valk | --2006 | pp58
  24. Synergetic use of METEOSAT 8 data and Radar products

    Satellite and radar products are important data sources for operational meteorology. They provide...

    JPJMM de Valk, I Holleman | 2006 | 0 | EUMETSAT
  25. The use of NWP surface temperatures in cloud detection from satellite

    A Feijt, P de Valk | published | Int. J. Rem. Sens. | 2001 | 22