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First 1423 results for ” A Weaver”

  1. A daily weather generator based on a two-stage resampling algorithm

    A two-stage time-series resampling algorithm is presented that is capable of generating daily val...

    R Leander, TA Buishand | Status: published | Journal: J. Hydrol. | Volume: 374 | Year: 2009 | First page: 185 | Last page: 195 | doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.06.010


  2. AUTOTREND - Automated guidance for short-term aviation weather forecasts

    Although advancements in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) modeling have been substantial over t...

    AJM Jacobs, N Maat | Conference: 11th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace M | Organisation: American Meteorological Societ | Place: Hyannis, MA, USA | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Antarctic Meteorology, a study with Automatic Weather Stations

    This thesis chiefly addresses a) the use of Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) in determining the n...

    CH Reijmer | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2001


  4. Quality Control and Verification of Weather Radar Wind Profiles

    Weather Radar Wind Profiles (WRWP) have been retrieved from Doppler volume scans using different...

    I Holleman | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Ocean. Tech. | Volume: 22 | Year: 2005 | First page: 1541 | Last page: 1550


  5. Weather Radar Data Quality in Europe: Quality Control and Characterization

    D Michelson, T Einfalt, I Holleman, U Gjertsen, K Friedrich, G Haase, M Lindskog, A Jurczyk | Year: 2005
