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First 724 results for ” KiRyong Kang”

  1. First comparison of wind observations from ESA's satellite mission Aeolus and ground-based radar wind profiler network of China

    Aeolus is the first satellite mission to directly observe wind profile information on a global sc...

    Guo, J., Liu, B., Gong, W., Shi, L., Zhang, Y., Ma, Y., Zhang, J., Chen, T., Bai, K., Stoffelen, A., de Leeuw, G., and Xu, X. | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2021 | doi: 10.5194/acp-21-2945-2021


  2. SST Dependence of Ku- and C-Band Backscatter Measurements

    The normalized radar cross section (NRCS) measured by satellite ocean radar systems is representa...

    Zhixiong Wang, Ad Stoffelen, Franco Fois, Anton Verhoef, Chaofang Zhao, Mingsen Lin, Ge Chen | Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing | Volume: 10 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  3. Recent reduction in NOx emissions over China: synthesis of satellite observations and emission inventories

    Tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column densities detected from space are widely used to infer...

    F Liu, Q Zhang, RJ van der A, B Zheng, D Tong, L Yan, Y Zheng, K He | Status: published | Journal: Environmental Research Letters | Volume: 11 | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.1088 / 1748-9326 / 11 / 11 / 114002


  4. Towards Consistent Wind Observations from C- and KU-Band Scatterometers

    In the context of the ocean surface vector wind virtual constellation, the combined wind products...

    Wenming Lin, Marcos Portabella, Sirui Lv, Ad Stoffelen, Zhixiong Wang | Journal: 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS | Year: 2021 | doi:


  5. Validation of the NSCAT-5 Geophysical Model Function for Scatsat-1 Wind Scatterometer

    Recent developments on the wind geophysical model function (GMF) of Ku-band scatterometers includ...

    Wenming Lin, Marcos Portabella, Ad Stoffelen, Anton Verhoef, Zhixiong Wang | Journal: IGARSS 2018-2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | Year: 2018 | doi:
