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First 1131 results for ” MJ Wooster”

  1. The narrowing gap between air-sea transfer velocities determined using deliberate tracers and from eddy correlation measurements: ASGAMAGE observations and a modelling study

    CMJ Jacobs, JF Kjeld, PD Nightingale, RC Upstill-Goddard, SE Larsen, WA Oost | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 107 | Year: 2002 | First page: II-1 | Last page: II-26 | doi: 10.1029/2001JC000983


  2. Comparison of the deliberate tracer method and eddy covariance measurements to determine the air/sea transfer velocity of CO2

    CMJ Jacobs, PD Nightingale, RC Upstill-Goddard, JF Kjeld, SE Larsen, WA Oost | Status: published | Journal: Geophysical Monograph | Volume: 127 | Year: 2002 | First page: 225 | Last page: 231


  3. Variability in Labrador Sea Water formation

    The Labrador Sea is located in the northwestern corner of the North Atlantic Ocean. Although smal...

    R Gelderloos | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2012


  4. COVID-19 Impact on the Oil and Gas Industry NO2 Emissions: A Case Study of the Permian Basin

    COVID-19 caused a historic collapse in fossil fuel demand, a general decline in economic activity...

    Raquel Serrano-Calvo, J. Pepijn Veefkind, Barbara Dix, Joost de Gouw, Pieternel F. Levelt | Journal: J. Geophys Res | Volume: 128 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  5. Daily Satellite Observations of Methane from Oil and Gas Production Regions in the United States

    Production of oil and natural gas in North America is at an all-time high due to the development ...

    de Gouw, Joost A.; Veefkind, J. Pepijn; Roosenbrand, Esther; Dix, Barbara; Lin, John C.; Landgraf, Jochen; Levelt, Pieternel F. | Journal: Scientific Reports | Year: 2020 | doi:
