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First 53 results for ” AM Sayer”

  1. Simulations of the response of the ocean waves in the North Atlantic and North Sea to CO2 doubling in the Atmosphere.

    Data from high resolution numerical experiments are analysed to study the effect of greenhouse wa...

    KM Rider, GJ Komen, JJ Beersma | Year: 1996 | Pages: 56


  2. Back-up modellering van windmeetmasten op luchthavens

    Information about the wind speed and wind direction is of great importance for an airplane during...

    Ilja Smits | Year: 1999 | Pages: 71


  3. Exploring El Niño mechanisms in climate models

    Increasing our understanding of the equatorial Pacific climate phenomenon El Niño – Southern Osci...

    SY Philip | University: Universiteit Utrecht | Year: 2009
