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First 247 results for ”RJ Ronda”

  1. The use of a commercial ADS-B receiver to derive upper air wind and temperature observations from Mode-S EHS information in The Netherlands

    Only recently, a new method to derive weather information from aircraft has been developed and te...

    Siebren de Haan, Marijn de Haij and Jan Sondij | Year: 2013 | Pages: 48


  2. Characterizing Buoy Wind Speed Error in High Winds and Varying Sea State with ASCAT and ERA5

    Buoys provide key observations of wind speed over the ocean and are routinely used as a source of...

    Ethan E Wright, Mark A Bourassa, Ad Stoffelen, Jean-Raymond Bidlot | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 13 | Year: 2021 | doi:


  3. Satellite reveals a steep decline in China’s CO2 emissions in early 2022


    Hui Li, Bo Zheng, Philippe Ciais, K. Folkert Boersma, T.C.V.W. Riess, Randall V. Martin, Gregoire Broguet, Ronald van der A, Haiyan Li, Chaopeng Hong, Yu Lei, Yawen Kong, Qiang Zhang, Kebin He | Journal: Science Advances | Volume: 9 | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adg7429


  4. An overview of induced seismicity in the Netherlands

    We present an overview of induced seismicity due to subsurface engineering in the Netherlands. Ou...

    Annemarie G. Muntendam-Bos, Gerco Hoedeman, Katerina Polychronopoulou, Deyan Draganov, Cornelis Weemstra, Wouter van der Zee, Richard R. Bakker and Hans Roest | Journal: Netherlands Journal of geosciences | Volume: 101 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. The impact of horizontal and vertical cloud inhomogeneities on a shortwave radiation closure experiment of a water cloud case study

    C Brandau, P Wang, WH Knap, HWJ Russchenberg | Status: submitted | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Year: 2010
