Lotos-Euros versie 1.4: bias-correctie voor PM10
Voor de nieuwe operationele luchtkwaliteitverwachting van het RIVM, TNO en het KNMI is er een nie...
MS de Ruyter de Wildt, HJ Eskes, PFJ van Velthoven | Year: 2009
Cloud reflectance calculations using DAK: study on required integration points
This report presents a study on the determination of the required number of azimuth (Fourier term...
ELA Wolters, RA Roebeling, P Stammes | Year: 2006 | Pages: 17
Recent research on meteorological observations and instrumentation at KNMI
Being the National Meteorological Service of The Netherlands, KNMI operates the national meteorol...
HI Bloemink, MJ de Haij, WMF Wauben | Conference: AMS Annual Meeting, 15th Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation | Organisation: American Meteorological Society | Place: Atlanta, Georgia, USA | Year: 2010 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
The impact of gustiness on sea surface height in storm surge situations
In this study the influence of wind gusts on sea surface height in storm surge situations is inve...
RM van der Grinten | Year: 2011
The temporal variation of evaporation from the Sudd wetland and its bio-physical and hydrological interpretation
This paper describes a new methodology to describe the water use from Africas largest wetland (Su...
Y Mohamed, WGM Bastiaanssen, H Savenije, BJJM van den Hurk | Status: submitted | Journal: Int.J.Remote Sensing | Year: 2004