Comprehensive Analysis of Seasonal and Geographical Variation in UVB Radiation Relevant for Vitamin D Production in Europe
Dermal synthesis, following sun exposure, is the main source of vitamin D. This study characteriz...
Khanna T, Shraim R, Zarkovic M, van Weele M, van Geffen J, Zgaga L. | Journal: Nutrients | Volume: 14 | Year: 2022 | First page: 5189 | Last page: 5204 | doi: 10.3390/nu14235189
Changes in extreme wind speeds over the global ocean
In 2020, the northern Atlantic experienced both a record-high number of intense tropical cyclones...
Rianne Giesen and Ad Stoffelen | Journal: Journal of Operational Oceanography (Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 6) | Volume: 15:sup1 | Year: 2022 | First page: 8 | Last page: 15 | doi: 10.1080/1755876X.2022.2095169
Drought trends in the Rhine and Meuse basins - Extension of the study "Regional differentiation in climate change induced drought trends in the Netherlands"
Motivated by the extreme drought conditions experienced in the
Netherlands in 2018, trends in l...
S.Y. Philip, S.F. Kew, K. van der Wiel, N. Wanders, G.J. van Oldenborgh | Year: 2021 | Pages: 35
The Construction of a Central Netherlands Temperature
The Central Netherlands Temperature record (CNT) is a monthly daily mean temperature time series ...
A van Ulden, GJ van Oldenborgh, G van der Schrier | Year: 2009 | Pages: 15
An aerosol-cloud module for inclusion in the KNMI regional climate model RACMO2
This report describes the development and testing of a cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) parameteri...
G De Martino, B van Ulft, H ten Brink, M Schaap, E van Meijgaard, R Boers | Year: 2008 | Pages: 22