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First 729 results for ” Belfort”

  1. Spatial and Temporal Propagation of Scatterometer Winds

    Ocean models are generally forced by synthetic (global) NWP model wind fields. It has however bee...

    D Harutyunyan, A Stoffelen | Year: 2011


  2. Validation report of the MACC near-real time global atmospheric composition service. System evolution and performance statistics until November 2011

    The MACC II (Modelling Atmospheric Composition and Climate, project is es...

    HJ Eskes, V Huijnen, A Wagner, M Schulz, K Lefever | Year: 2012


  3. Harmonisatie meteo-preprocessing in het Nieuwe National Model

    Project doelstelling Rekenmodellen voor luchtverontreiniging behoeven meteorologische invoergegev...

    JJ Erbrink, AT Vermeulen, F Sauter, FC Bosveld, S van Ratingen | Year: 2012


  4. Verbeteringsmogelijkheden voor effectberekeningen bij chemische calamiteiten

    Samenvatting In het kader van het NMDC innovatieproject Luchtkwaliteit en externe veiligheid is o...

    ES Kooi, H Boot, GT Geertsema | Year: 2012


  5. TR5.1 A Review and Meta-analysis of Current Understanding and Prospects for Development Based on the ARISE Technologies

    This Technical Report reviews current and future needs for weather and climate forecasting, in th...

    PSM Smets, C Lee, A Charlton-Perez, LG Evers, G Harrison | Year: 2012
