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First 686 results for ” JJ Makela”

  1. Exploring the efficiency of bias corrections of regional climate model output for the assessment of future crop yields in Europe

    Excessive summer drying and reduced growing season length are expected to reduce European crop yi...

    AMR Bakker, JJE Bessembinder, AJW de Wit, BJJM van den Hurk, SB Hoek | Status: published | Journal: Regional and Environmental Change | Volume: 14 | Year: 2014 | First page: 865 | Last page: 877 | doi: doi: 10.1007/s10113-013-0557-9


  2. Impact of HARMONIE high-resolution meteorological forecasts on the air quality simulations of LOTOS-EUROS

    In this study, we couple the LOTOS-EUROS model with high resolution meteorological forecasts from...

    J Ding, HJ Eskes, U Kumar, M Krol | Year: 2013 | Pages: 46


  3. El Niño in a changing climate: a multi-model study

    In many parts of the world, climate projections for the next century depend on potential changes...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, SY Philip, M Collins | Status: published | Journal: Ocean Science | Volume: 1 | Year: 2005 | First page: 81 | Last page: 95 | doi: 10.5194/os-1-81-2005


  4. A probabilistic approach for SeaWinds data assimilation: an improvement in the nadir region

    Scatterometer sea-surface wind observations are being successfully assimilated into Numerical Wea...

    M Portabella, A Stoffelen | Year: 2002


  5. Extreme hydro-meteorological events and their probabilities

    Extreme hydro-meteorological events usually have a large impact on our society. For safety standa...

    JJ Beersma | University: Wageningen Universiteit | Year: 2007
