Methyl chloride as a tracer of tropical tropospheric air in the lowermost stratosphere inferred from IAGOS-CARIBIC passenger aircraft measurements
We present variations of methyl chloride (CH3Cl) and nitrous oxide (N2O) in the lowermost stratos...
T Umezawa, AK Baker, CAM Brenninkmeijer, A Zahn, DE Oram, PFJ van Velthoven | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 120 | Year: 2015 | First page: 12313 | Last page: 12326 | doi: 10.1002/2015JD023729
Identification of Antarctic ablation areas using a regional atmospheric climate model
The occurrence of Antarctic ablation areas in Dronning Maud Land, the Lambert Glacier Basin, Vict...
MR van den Broeke, WJ van de Berg, E van Meijgaard, CH Reijmer | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 111 | Year: 2006 | First page: 1 | Last page: 14 | doi: doi:10.1029/2006JD007127
Modeling the isotopic composition of Antarctic snow using backward trajectories: Simulation of snow pit records
The quantitative interpretation of isotope records (δ18O, δD, and d excess) in ice cores can bene...
MM Helsen, RSW van de Wal, MR van den Broeke, V Masson-Delmotte, HAJ Meijer, MP Scheele, M Werner | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 111 | Year: 2006 | doi: doi:10.1029/2005JD006524.
Evaluation of Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ozone profiles from nine different algorithms
An evaluation is made of ozone profiles retrieved from measurements of the nadir-viewing Global O...
YJ Meijer, HM Kelder, RJ van der A, RF van Oss | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 111 | Year: 2006 | doi: 10.1029/2005JD006778
The spatial and temporal variability of the surface mass balance in Antarctica: results from a regional atmospheric climate model
A 14-year integration with a regional atmospheric model (RACMO) is used to obtain detailed inform...
NPM van Lipzig, E van Meijgaard, J Oerlemans | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Year: 2002 | First page: 1197 | Last page: 1217