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First 825 results for ” JC Calvet”

  1. An Ensemble Version of the E‐OBS Temperature and Precipitation Datasets

    We describe the construction of a new version of the Europe‐wide E‐OBS temperature (daily minimum...

    RC Cornes, G van der Schrier, EJM van den Besselaar, PD Jones | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2018 | doi: doi:10.1029/2017JD028200


  2. A Reappraisal of the Thermal Growing Season Length across Europe

    Growing season length (GSL) indices derived from surface air temperature are frequently used in c...

    RC Cornes, G van der Schrier, AA Squintu | Status: published | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Year: 2018 | doi: doi:10.1002/joc.5913


  3. Humid heat waves at different warming levels

    The co-occurrence of consecutive hot and humid days during a heat wave can strongly affect human ...

    S Russo, J Sillmann, A Sterl | Status: published | Journal: Scientific Reports | Volume: 4 | Year: 2017 | First page: 7477 | doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-07536-7


  4. Modeled Influence of Land Ice and CO2 on Polar Amplification and Paleoclimate Sensitivity During the Past 5 Million Years

    Polar amplification and paleoclimate sensitivity (S) have been the subject of many paleoclimate s...

    LB Stap, RSW van de Wal, B de Boer, P Kohler, JH Hoencamp, G Lohmann, E Tuenter, LJ Lourens | Status: published | Journal: Paleoceanography | Volume: 33 | Year: 2018 | First page: 381 | Last page: 394 | doi: 10.1002/2017PA003313


  5. Sunshine is an important determinant of vitamin D status even among high-dose supplement users: secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial in Crohn's disease patients

    Sunshine is considered to be the most important source of vitamin D. Due to an increased risk of ...

    F O'Sullivan, T Raftery, M van Weele, J van Geffen, D McNamara, C O'Morain, N Mahmud, D Kelly, M Healy, M O'Sullivan, L Zgaga | Status: published | Journal: Photochem. and Photobiol. | Volume: 95 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1060 | Last page: 1067 | doi: 10.1111/php.13086
