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First 340 results for ”E Spinei”

  1. Correlation between GNSS-TEC and eruption magnitude supports the use of ionospheric sensing to complement volcanic hazard assessment

    Despite the global threat posed by large-scale eruptions to communities, to the climate, and to t...

    F Manta, G Occhipinti, E Hill, A Perttu, JD Assink, B Taisne | Status: accepted | Journal: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth | Volume: 126 | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1029/2020JB020726


  2. Weather and Climate Science in the Digital Era

    The need for open science has been recognized by the communities of meteorology and climate scien...

    Martine G de Vos, Wilco Hazeleger, Driss Bari, Jörg Behrens, Sofiane Bendoukha, Irene Garcia-Marti, Ronald van Haren, Sue Ellen Haupt, Rolf Hut, Fredrik Jansson, Andreas Mueller, Peter Neilley, Gijs van den Oord, Inti Pelupessy, Paolo Ruti, Martin G Schultz, Jeremy Walton | Journal: Geoscience Communication | Volume: 3 | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.5194/gc-2019-22


  3. Three Ways Forward to Improve Regional Information for Extreme Events: An Early Career Perspective

    This paper provides an early career researchers (ECRs) perspective on major challenges and opport...

    Gaby S Langendijk, Caroline Aubry-Wake, Marisol Osman, Carla Gulizia, Faten Attig-Bahar, Erik Behrens, André Bertoncini, Neil Hart, Victor S Indasi, Silvia Innocenti, Eveline C Van Der Linden, Nabir Mamnun, Kabir Rasouli, Kevin A Reed, Nina Ridder, Juan Rivera, Romina Ruscica, Bethel U Ukazu, Jakub P Walawender, Dean P Walker, Beth J Woodhams, Yeliz A Yılmaz | Journal: Frontiers in Environmental Science | Volume: 7 | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00006


  4. Effect of parameter changes upon the eztra-tropical atmospheric variability

    Global climate models contain numerous parameters with uncertain values. In the context of climat...

    HE Levine-Moolenaar, FM Selten, J Grasman | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2011 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1207-x


  5. Observations of the Morning Transition of the Convective Boundary Layer

    WA Angevine, H Klein Baltink, FC Bosveld | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Volume: 101 | Year: 2001 | First page: 209 | Last page: 227
