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First 970 results for ” B Wilkens”

  1. KNMI'14 Climatescenarios for the Netherlands (brochure)

    KNMI presents the KNMI’14 climate scenarios: four new scenarios for future climate change in the...

    Albert Klein Tank, Jules Beersma, Janette Bessembinder, Bart van den Hurk and Geert Lenderink | Year: 2015 | Pages: 36


  2. 24 More Years of Numerical Weather Prediction: A Model Performance Model

    For two formulations of currently usual numerical weather prediction models the evolution of maxi...

    GJ Cats | Year: 2008 | Pages: 34


  3. Short-Term Forecasting of High-Impact Weather with Physics-Guided Machine Learning : Technical Report

    Extreme weather events such as heavy storms and heavy precipitation have a large impact on our so...

    C. A. Severijns & G. A. Pagani | Year: 2023 | Pages: 12


  4. Assimilation of Cabauw boundary layer observations in an atmospheric single-column model using an ensemble-Kalman filter

    Within the Dutch program Climate for Space (KvR) there is a need for monitoring the structure and...

    P Baas, FC Bosveld | Year: 2010 | Pages: 36


  5. Precipitation amount and intensity measurements using a windscreen

    Measurements of precipitation amounts with precipitation gauges are affected by various error sou...

    Wiel Wauben | Year: 2004 | Pages: 47
