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First 719 results for ” PD Watts”

  1. The European Volcano Observatories and their use of the aviation colour code system

    Volcano observatories (VOs) around the world are required to maintain surveillance of their volca...

    Barsotti Sara, Scollo Simona , Macedonio Giovanni, Felpeto Alicia, Peltier Aline, Vougioukalakis Georgios, de Zeeuw van Dalfsen Elske, Ottemöller Lars, Pimentel Adriano, Komorowski Jean‑Christophe. Loughlin Susan, Carmo Rita, Coltelli Mauro, Corbeau Jordane Vye‑Brown Charlotte, Di Vito Mauro, Jean‑Bernard de Chabalier, Ferreira Teresa, R., Fontaine Fabrice, Lemarchand Arnaud, · Marques Rui, Medeiros Joana, Moretti Roberto, Pfeffer Melissa Anne, Saurel Jean‑Marie, Vlastelic Ivan, Vogfjörd Kristín, Engwell Samantha, Salerno Giuseppe | Journal: Bulletin of Volcanology | Volume: 68 (23) | Year: 2024 | doi:


  2. Simulating hydrological extremes for different warming levels–combining large scale climate ensembles with local observation based machine learning models

    Climate change has a large influence on the occurrence of extreme hydrological events. However, r...

    SM Hauswirth, K van der Wiel, MFP Bierkens, V Beijk, N Wanders | Journal: Frontiers in Water | Volume: 5 | Year: 2023 | First page: 11008108 | doi: 10.3389/frwa.2023.1108108


  3. Estimation of future discharges of the River Rhine in the SWURVE project

    The change in the flow regime of the river Rhine by the end of the 21st century was one of the ei...

    TA Buishand, G Lenderink | Year: 2004


  4. CLouds and Aerosol Radiative Interaction and Forcing Investigation (CLARIFI) Final report

    The CLouds and Aerosol Radiative Interaction and Forcing Investigation (CLARIFI) project was carr...

    M de Graaf | Year: 2012


  5. GRADE Uncertainty Analysis

    Summary A main purpose in a frequency or extreme value analysis is to obtain an estimate for some...

    HFP van den Boogaard, M Hegnauer, JJ Beersma | Year: 2014
