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First 1693 results for ”TC Peterson”

  1. Tropical methane emissions: A revised view from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT

    Methane retrievals from near-infrared spectra recorded by the SCIAMACHY instrument onboard ENVISA...

    C Frankenberg, P Bergamaschi, A Butz, S Houweling, JF Meirink, J Notholt, AK Petersen, H Schrijver, T Warneke, I Aben | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 35 | Year: 2008 | doi: 10.1029/2008GL034300


  2. Toward regional-scale modeling using the two-way nested global model TM5: Characterization of transport using SF 6

    W Peters, MC Krol, EJ Dlugokencky, FJ Dentener, P Bergamaschi, G Dutton, P van Velthoven, JB Miller, L Bruhweiler, PP Tans | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2004 | doi: 10.1029/2004JD005020


  3. ERS-1 scatterometer calibration and validation activities at ECMWF: B. From radar backscatter characteristics to wind vector solutions

    ACM Stoffelen, DLT Anderson, PM Woiceshyn | Conference: European \"Int. Space Year\" conf. | Place: Munich, Germany | Year: 1992 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Investigating differences in DOAS retrieval codes using MAD-CAT campaign data

    E Peters, G Pinardi, A Seyler, A Richter, F Wittrock, T Boesch, JP Burrows, M Van Roozendael, F Hendrick, T Drosoglou, AF Bais, Y Kanaya, ......, A Piters, Et al | Status: submitted | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.5194/amt-2016-358


  5. Validation of CAMS regional services: concentrations above the surface

    T Antonaki, AM Blechschmidt, H Clark, C Gielen, F Hendrick, J Kapsomenakis, A Mortier, E Peters, A Piters, A Richter, M Van Roozendael, M Schulz, T Wagner, C Zerefos, HJ Eskes | Year: 2016
