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First 887 results for ” TD Gardiner”

  1. A single-point modeling approach for the intercomparison and evaluation of ozone dry deposition across chemical transport models (Activity 2 of AQMEII4)

    A primary sink of air pollutants and their precursors is dry deposition. Dry deposition estimates...

    Clifton, O. E., Schwede, D., Hogrefe, C., Bash, J. O., Bland, S., Cheung, P., Coyle, M., Emberson, L., Flemming, J., Fredj, E., Galmarini, S., Ganzeveld, L., Gazetas, O., Goded, I., Holmes, C. D., Horváth, L., Huijnen, V., Li, Q., Makar, P. A., Mammarella, I., Manca, G., Munger, J. W., Pérez-Camanyo, J. L., Pleim, J., Ran, L., San Jose, R., Silva, S. J., Staebler, R., Sun, S., Tai, A. P. K., Tas, E., Vesala, T., Weidinger, T., Wu, Z., and Zhang, L. | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 23 | Year: 2023 | First page: 9911 | Last page: 9961 | doi: 10.5194/acp-23-9911-2023


  2. Plasma-neutral interactions in the lower thermosphere-ionosphere: The need for in situ measurements to address focused questions

    The lower thermosphere-ionosphere (LTI) is a key transition region between Earth’s atmosphere and...

    Sarris T, Palmroth M, Aikio A, Buchert SC, Clemmons J, Clilverd M, Dandouras I, , Doornbos E, Goodwin LV, Grandin M, , Heelis R, Ivchenko N, Moretto-Jørgensen, T, Kervalishvili G, Knudsen D, Liu HL, Lu G, Malaspina DM, Marghitu O, Maute A, Miloch, WJ, Olsen N, Pfaff R, Stolle C, Talaat E, , Thayer J, Tourgaidis S, Verronen PT and Yamauchi M | Journal: Front. Astron. Space Sci. | Volume: 9 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  3. Increasing the spatial resolution of cloud property retrievals from Meteosat SEVIRI by use of its high-resolution visible channel: implementation and examples

    The modification of an existing cloud property retrieval scheme for the Spinning Enhanced Visibl...

    Hartwig Deneke, Carola Barrientos-Velasco, Sebastian Bley, Anja Hünerbein, Stephan Lenk, Andreas Macke, Jan Fokke Meirink, Marion Schroedter-Homscheidt, Fabian Senf, Ping Wang, Frank Werner, and Jonas Witthuhn | Journal: Atm. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | First page: 5107 | Last page: 5126 | doi: doi:10.5194/amt-14-5107-2021


  4. The impact of traffic emissions on atmospheric ozone and OH: results from QUANTIFY

    P Hoor, J Borken-Kleefeld, D Caro, O Dessens, O Endresen, M Gauss, V Grewe, D Hauglustaine, ISA Isaksen, P Jockel, J Lelieveld, E Meijer, D Olivie, PFJ van Velthoven, et al. | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 9 | Year: 2009 | First page: 3113 | Last page: 3136 | doi:


  5. TRAQ Performance Analysis and Requirements Consolidation for the Candidate Earth Explorer Mission TRAQ - Final Report

    This is the final report of the ON TRAQ (Original and New TRopospheric composition and Air Qualit...

    D Stein Zweers (Editor), PF Levelt (Editor), C Camy-Peyret (Editor), H Eskes (Editor), G de Leeuw (Editor), PF Coheur (Editor), J Tamminen (Editor), P Prunet (Editor), JP Veefkind (Editor) | Year: 2010
