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First 129 results for ” Rafiq Hamdi”

  1. Ambient UVB dose and sun enjoyment are important predictors of vitamin D status in an older population

    Background: UVB-induced skin synthesis is considered the key source of vitamin D, yet exposure to...

    O'Sullivan, Laird, Kelly, JHG van Geffen, M van Weele, M McNulty, M Hoey, M Healy, M McCarroll, M Cunningham, M Casey, M Ward, M Strain, M Molloy, M Zgaga | Status: published | Journal: J. Nutrition | Volume: 147 | Year: 2017 | First page: 858 | Last page: 868 | doi: 10.3945/jn.116.244079


  2. Attributing the 2017 Bangladesh floods from meteorological and hydrological perspectives

    In August 2017 Bangladesh faced one of its worst river flooding events in recent history. This pa...

    S Philip, S Sparrow, SF Kew,  K van der Wiel, N Wanders, R Singh, A Hassan, K Mohammed, H Javid, K Haustein, FEL Otto, F Hirpa, RH Rimi, AKM Saiful Islam, DCH Wallom, and GJ van Oldenborgh | Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | Volume: 23 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1409 | Last page: 1429 | doi: 10.5194/hess-23-1409-2019


  3. Global fine-scale changes in ambient NO2 during COVID-19 lockdowns

    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an important contributor to air pollution and can adversely affect huma...

    Cooper, Matthew J.; Martin, Randall V.; Hammer, Melanie S.; Levelt, Pieternel F.; Veefkind, Pepijn; Lamsal, Lok N.; Krotkov, Nickolay A.; Brook, Jeffrey R.; McLinden, Chris A. | Journal: Nature | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. Nitrogen oxides in the free troposphere: implications for tropospheric oxidants and the interpretation of satellite NO2 measurements

    Satellite-based retrievals of tropospheric NO2 columns are widely used to infer NOx (≡ NO + NO2) ...

    Shah, V., Jacob, D. J., Dang, R., Lamsal, L. N., Strode, S. A., Steenrod, S. D., Boersma, K. F., Eastham, S. D., Fritz, T. M., Thompson, C., Peischl, J., Bourgeois, I., Pollack, I. B., Nault, B. A., Cohen, R. C., Campuzano-Jost, P., Jimenez, J. L., Andersen, S. T., Carpenter, L. J., Sherwen, T., and Evans, M. J. | Journal: Atmos Chem Phys | Volume: 23 | Year: 2023 | First page: 1227 | Last page: 1257 | doi:



    Seastar is a new Earth Explorer mission concept dedicated to observing fast-evolving small-scale ...

    Christine Gommenginger. Aida Alvera-Azcarate, Ole Baltazar Andersen, Fabrice Ardhuin, Antonio Bonaduce, Øyvind Breivik, Fabrice Collard, Mohammed Dabboor, Robert King, Joanna Staneva, Ad Stoffelen, David Woolf | Year: 2023
