Strong universality in forced and decaying turbulence in a shell model
The weak version of universality in turbulence refers to the independence of the scaling exponent...
VS L\'vov, RA Pasmanter, A Pomyalov, I Procaccia | Status: published | Journal: Phys. Rev. E. | Volume: 67 | Year: 2003 | First page: 066310-1 | Last page: 066310-9
Design discharge of the large rivers in The Netherlands - towards a new methodology
The design discharge of the large rivers in The Netherlands has been derived from statistical ana...
BWAH Parmet, TA Buishand, T Brandsma, R Mulders | Conference: Hydrological Extremes: Understanding, Predicting, Mitigating | Organisation: International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) | Place: Birmingham | First page: 269 | Last page: 272
Alles verandert maar El Niño blijft El Niño
De komende eeuw zal de wereld waarschijnlijk zo’n drie graden opwarmen. Dit heeft allerlei verand...
SY Philip, GJ van Oldenborgh | Journal: Weer Magazine | Volume: 7 | Year: 2006 | First page: 26 | Last page: 29
The effective viscosity of a channel-type porous medium.
An expression for the effective viscosity (mu_e) of a homogeneous channel-type porous medium has ...
WP Breugem | Status: published | Journal: Physics of Fluids | Volume: 19 | Year: 2007 | doi: 10.1063/1.2792323
Towards advection on a full reduced grid for TM5
In this report we describe generalizations which have been made to the advection scheme of the TM...
PB Hooghiemstra | Year: 2006