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First 871 results for ”Kruiver PP”

  1. Scatterometer Sea Surface Wind Product Validation for HY-2C

    The Chinese HY-2C satellite was launched on Sep. 21, 2020, carrying the new Ku-band scatterometer...

    Zhixiong Wang, Juhong Zou, Ad Stoffelen, Wenming Lin, Anton Verhoef, Xiuzhong Li, Yijun He, Youguang Zhang, Mingsen Lin | Journal: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | doi:


  2. Validation of New Sea Surface Wind Products From Scatterometers Onboard the HY-2B and MetOp-C Satellites

    The new Ku-band scatterometer (HSCAT-B) onboard the HY-2B satellite was launched on October 25, 2...

    Zhixiong Wang, Ad Stoffelen, Juhong Zou, Wenming Lin, Anton Verhoef, Yi Zhang, Yijun He, Mingsen Lin | Journal: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Volume: 58 | Year: 2020 | doi:


  3. KNMI'23 climate scenarios for the Netherlands: storyline scenarios of regional climate change

    This paper presents the methodology for the construction of the KNMI'23 national climate scenario...

    K van der Wiel, J Beersma, H van den Brink, F Krikken, F Selten, C Severijns, A Sterl, E van Meijgaard, T Reerink, R van Dorland | Journal: Earth's Future | Volume: 12 | Year: 2024 | First page: e2023EF003983 | doi: 10.1029/2023EF003983


  4. Extreme Events Contributing to Tipping Elements and Tipping Points

    This review article provides a synthesis and perspective on how weather and climate extreme event...

    Romanou, A. Hegerl, G. C. Seneviratne, S. I. Abis, B. Bastos, A. Conversi, A. Landolfi, A. Kim, H. Lerner, P. E. Mekus, J. Otto-Bliesner, B. L. Pausata, F. S. R. Pinto, I. Suarez-Guiterrez, L. | Journal: Surveys in Geophysics | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1007/s10712-024-09863-7


  5. Coastal wind retrievals from corrected QuikSCAT Normalized Radar Cross Sections

    A new correction scheme named “noise regularization”, aiming at mitigating land contamination in ...

    Giuseppe Grieco, Marcos Portabella, Ad Stoffelen, Anton Verhoef, Jur Vogelzang, Andrea Zanchetta, Stefano Zecchetto | Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment | Volume: 308 | Year: 2024 | First page: 114179 | doi:
