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First 926 results for ” C Hörmann”

  1. The plumbing of land surface models: benchmarking model performance

    MJ Best, G Abramowitz, HR Johnson, AJ Pitman, G Balsamo, A Boone, M Cuntz, B Decharme, PA Dirmeyer, J Dong, M Ek, Z Guo, V Haverd, BJJM van den Hurk, GS Nearing | Status: published | Journal: J. Hydrometeor. | Year: 2015 | First page: 1425 | Last page: 1442 | doi:



    This paper provides an update on the ongoing scientific and technical development of the wind ret...

    DGH Tan, E Andersson, J de Kloe, GJ Marseille, A Stoffelen, P Poli, A Dabas, D Huber, O Reitebuch, P Flamant, AG Straume, O Le Rille, H Nett | Conference: 9th International Winds Workshop (9IWW) | Organisation: NOAA/NESDIS/EUMETSAT/CIMSS | Place: Annapolis, Maryland, USA | Year: 2008 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. De menselijke invloed op het klimaat is onmiskenbaar: de belangrijkste conclusies uit het vierde Assessment Report van het Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

    R van Dorland, S Drijfhout, RJ Haarsma, W Hazeleger, B van den Hurk, C Katsman, A Kattenberg, G Komen, GJ van Oldenborgh, P Siegmund, N Weber | Journal: Weer Magazine | Year: 2007


  4. ADM-Aeolus Ocean Surface Calibration and Level-2B Wind-Retrieval Processing

    The possibilities of calibrating the wind results by means of surface reflections is studied. To ...

    J de Kloe, A Stoffelen, GJ Marseille, D Tan, L Isaksen, C Desportes, C Payan, A Dabas, D Huber, O Reitebuch, P Flamant, H Nett, O le Rille, AG Straume | Conference: International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP2009) | Organisation: RIVM, KNMI, TU-Delft | Place: Delft | Year: 2009 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. Evaluation of the diurnal cycle in the atmospheric boundary layer over land as represented by a variety of single column models - the second GABLS experiment

    This paper presents the main results from the second model inter-comparison within GEWEX Atmosphe...

    G Svensson, AMM Holtslag, V Kumar, T Mauritsen, GJ Steeneveld, WM Angevine, E Bazile, A Beljaars, EIF de Bruijn, A Cheng, L Conangla, J Cuxart, M Ek, MJ Falk, F Freedman | Status: accepted | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Year: 2011
