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First 1036 results for ” SV Marchenko”

  1. Cloud impacts on photochemistry: building a climatology of photolysis rates from the Atmospheric Tomography mission

    Measurements from actinic flux spectroradiometers on board the NASA DC-8 during the Atmospheric T...

    SR Hall, K Ullman, MJ Prather, CM Flynn, LT Murray, J Flemming, V Huijnen, NL Abraham, AT Archibald | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2018 | First page: 16809 | Last page: 16828 | doi:


  2. KNMI Flitspeilingen 2022

    Het KNMI geeft weerwaarschuwingen af wanneer zij gevaarlijk weer verwachten dat invloed kan hebbe...

    Door van der Vegt, Melle Conradie, Amsterdam : I&O Research | Year: 2023


  3. Observations of aerosols in the free troposphere and marine boundary layer of the subtropical Northeast Atlantic: discussion of the processes determining their size distrubution

    F Raes, R van Dingenen, E Cuevas, PFJ van Velthoven, JM Prospero | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 102 | Year: 1997 | First page: 21.315 | Last page: 21.329


  4. Last Glacial Maximum temperatures over the North Atlantic, Europe and western Siberia: a comparison between PMIP models, MARGO sea-surface temperatures and pollen-based reconstructions

    M Kageyama, A Laine, A Abe-Ouchi, P Braconnot, E Cortijo, A de Vernal, CD Hewitt, A Kitoh, O Marti, B Otto-Bliesner, WR Peltier, A Rosell-Mele, G Vettoretti, SL Weber, MARGO Project Members | Status: published | Journal: Quatern. Science Rev. | Volume: 25 | Year: 2006 | First page: 2082 | Last page: 2102


  5. On the dynamics of the slope current system along the West European margin. Part I: Steady-state analytical and numerical circulations.

    Y Friocourt, SS Drijfhout, B Blanke | Status: published | Journal: J. Phys. Oceanogr. | Volume: 38 | Year: 2008 | First page: 2597 | Last page: 2618 | doi: 10.1175/2008JPO3744.1
