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First 1271 results for ” KJ Pringle”

  1. Validation of the TROPOMI/S5P Aerosol Layer Height using EARLINET lidars

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the ability of the Sentinel-5P TROPOspheric Monitorin...

    Michailidis, K., Koukouli, M.-E., Balis, D., Veefkind, P., de Graaf, M., Mona, L., Papagianopoulos, N., Pappalardo, G., Tsikoudi, I., Amiridis, V., Marinou, E., Gialitaki, A., Mamouri, R.-E., Nisantzi, A., Bortoli, D., João Costa, M., Salgueiro, V., Papayannis, A., Mylonaki, M., Alados-Arboledas, L., Romano, S., Perrone, M. R., and Baars | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: acp-2022-412 | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. Validation of Aura-OMI QA4ECV NO2 climate data records with ground-based DOAS networks: the role of measurement and comparison uncertainties

    The QA4ECV (Quality Assurance for Essential Climate Variables) version 1.1 stratospheric and trop...

    Compernolle, S., Verhoelst, T., Pinardi, G., Granville, J., Hubert, D., Keppens, A., Niemeijer, S., Rino, B., Bais, A., Beirle, S., Boersma, K.F., Burrows, J.P., De Smedt, I., Eskes, H., Goutail, F., Hendrick, F., Lorente, A., Pazmino, A., Piters, A., Peters, E., Pommereau, J.-P., Remmers, J., Richter, A., van Geffen, J., Van Roozendael, M., Wagner, T. and Lambert, J.-C | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 20 | Year: 2020 | doi:


  3. First results of the polar regional climate model RACMO2.4

    The next version of the polar Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (referred to as RACMO2.4p1) is p...

    Christiaan T. van Dalum, Willem Jan van de Berg, Srinidhi N. Gadde, Maurice van Tiggelen, Tijmen van der Drift, Erik van Meijgaard, Lambertus H. van Ulft, and Michiel R. van den Broeke | Journal: The Cryosphere | Volume: 18 | Year: 2024 | First page: 4065 | Last page: 4088 | doi:


  4. Northwestern Mediterranean Heavy Precipitation Events in a Warmer Climate: Robust Versus Uncertain Changes With a Large Convection-Permitting Model Ensemble

    Taking advantage of a large ensemble of Convection Permitting-Regional Climate Models on a pan-Al...

    Cécile Caillaud, Samuel Somot, Hervé Douville, Antoinette Alias, Sophie Bastin, Susanne Brienen, Marie-Estelle Demory, Andreas Dobler, Hendrik Feldmann, Thomas Frisius, Klaus Goergen, Elizabeth J. Kendon, Klaus Keuler, Geert Lenderink, Paola Mercogliano, Emanuela Pichelli, Pedro M. M. Soares, Merja H. Tölle, Hylke de Vries | Journal: Geophysical Rearch Letters | Volume: 51 | Year: 2024 | doi:


  5. Validation of the Sentinel-5 Precursor TROPOMI cloud data with Cloudnet, Aura OMI O₂–O₂ , MODIS, and Suomi-NPP VIIRS

    Accurate knowledge of cloud properties is essential to the measurement of atmospheric composition...

    Steven Compernolle, Athina Argyrouli, Ronny Lutz, Maarten Sneep, Jean-Christopher Lambert, Ann Mari Fjæraa, Daan Hubert, Arno Keppens, Diego Loyola, Ewan Ewan O'Connor, Fabian Romahn, Piet Stammes, Tijl Verhoelst and Ping Wang | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 14 | Year: 2021 | First page: 2451 | Last page: 2476 | doi: 10.5194/amt-14-2451-2021
