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First 57 results for ” A Paul”

  1. A real-time wave data quality control algorithm

    A real-time wave data quality control algorithm

    Maria Paula Etala | Year: 1991 | Pages: 32


  2. A shallow velocity model for the Groningen area in the Netherlands

    LJ Hofman, E Ruigrok, B Dost, H Paulssen | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 122 | Year: 2017 | First page: 8035 | Last page: 8050 | doi: 10.1002/2017JB014419


  3. Characterization of infrasound from lightning

    During thunderstorm activity in the Netherlands, electromagnetic and infrasonic signals are emitt...

    JD Assink, LG Evers, I Holleman, H Paulssen | Status: published | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Year: 2008 | doi: 10.1029/2008GL034193


  4. Probability of Cb and Tcu occurrence based upon radar and satellite observations

    The detection of Cumulonimbi (Cb) and towering cumuli (Tcu) is relevant for aviation as they are...

    Paul de Valk and Rudolf van Westrhenen | Year: 2010 | Pages: 60


  5. Interpolation of Makkink evaporation in the Netherlands

    Computer models, e.g. hydrological models, are one of the key components in determining effect po...

    Paul Hiemstra and Raymond Sluiter | Year: 2011 | Pages: 86
