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First 984 results for ” A Serrano”

  1. Contribution of precipitation and reference evapotranspiration to drought indices under different climates

    In this study we analyzed the sensitivity of four drought indices to precipitation (P) and refere...

    SM Vicente-Serrano, G van der Schrier, S Begueria, C Azorin-Molina, JI Lopez-Moreno | Status: submitted | Journal: J. Hydrol. | Year: 2014


  2. CMIP5 near-term climate prediction

    FJ Doblas-Reyes, GJ van Oldenborgh, J García-Serrano, H Pohlmann, AA Scaife, D Smith | Journal: CLIVAR Exchanges | Volume: 16 | Year: 2011 | First page: 8 | Last page: 11


  3. COVID-19 Impact on the Oil and Gas Industry NO2 Emissions: A Case Study of the Permian Basin

    COVID-19 caused a historic collapse in fossil fuel demand, a general decline in economic activity...

    Raquel Serrano-Calvo, J. Pepijn Veefkind, Barbara Dix, Joost de Gouw, Pieternel F. Levelt | Journal: J. Geophys Res | Volume: 128 | Year: 2023 | doi:


  4. Quantifying NOx Emissions from U.S. Oil and Gas Production Regions Using TROPOMI NO2

    The production of crude oil and natural gas is associated with emissions of air pollutants, such ...

    Dix, Barbara; Francoeur, Colby; Li, Meng; Serrano-Calvo, Raquel; Levelt, Pieternel F.; Veefkind, J. Pepijn; McDonald, Brian C.; de Gouw, Joost | Journal: ACS Earth and Space Chemistry | Year: 2022 | doi:


  5. A multidecadal assessment of climate indices over Europe.

    Monitoring and management of several environmental and socioeconomic sectors require climate data...

    Domínguez-Castro F, Reig F, Vicente-Serrano SM, Aguilar E, Peña-Angulo D, Noguera I, Revuelto J, van der Schrier G, El Kenawy AM | Journal: Scientific Data | Volume: 28 | Year: 2020 | First page: 1 | Last page: 7 | doi:
