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First 400 results for ” Buettner”

  1. HIRLAM experiments on surface energy balance across Vatnajokull, Iceland

    The aim of this study is to investigate the skill of the High Resolution Limited Area Model (HIRL...

    L Rontu, F Obleitner, S Gollvik, C Zingerle, ABC Tijm | Status: published | Journal: Meteor. Atmos. Phys. | Volume: 103 | Year: 2009 | First page: 67 | Last page: 77


  2. Comparison of ECMWF analysis and forecast humidity data with CARIBIC upper troposphere and lower stratosphere observations

    C Dyroff, A Zahn, E Christner, R Forbes, AM Tompkins, PFJ van Velthoven | Status: published | Journal: Quart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc. | Year: 2014 | doi: 10.1002/qj.2400


  3. Processes controlling water vapor in the upper troposphere / lowermost stratosphere: An analysis of eight years of monthly measurements by the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory

    A Zahn, E Christner, PFJ van Velthoven, A Rauthe-Schoch, CAM Brenninkmeijer | Status: accepted | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2014 | doi: 10.1002/2014JD021687


  4. Tropospheric emissions: Monitoring of pollution (TEMPO)

    TEMPO was selected in 2012 by NASA as the first Earth Venture Instrument, for launch between 2018...

    Zoogman, P.; Liu, X.; Suleiman, R.M.; Pennington, W.F.; Flittner, D.E.; Al-Saadi, J.A.; Hilton, B.B.; Nicks, D.K.; Newchurch, M.J.; Carr, J.L.; Janz, S.J.; Andraschko, M.R.; Arola, A.; Baker, B.D.; Canova, B.P.; Chan Miller, C.; Cohen, R.C.; Davis, J.E.; Dussault, M.E.; Edwards, D.P.; Fishman, J.; Ghulam, A.; González Abad, G.; Grutter, M.; Herman, J.R.; Houck, J.; Jacob, D.J.; Joiner, J.; Kerridge, B.J.; Kim, J.; Krotkov, N.A.; Lamsal, L.; Li, C.; Lindfors, A.; Martin, R.V.; McElroy, C.T.; McLinden, C.; Natraj, V.; Neil, D.O.; Nowlan, C.R.; O׳Sullivan, E.J.; Palmer, P.I.; Pierce, R.B.; Pippin, M.R.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Spurr, R.J.D.; Szykman, J.J.; Torres, O.; Veefkind, J.P.; Veihelmann, B.; Wang, H.; Wang, J.; Chance, K. | Journal: Satellite Remote Sensing and Spectroscopy: Joint ACE-Odin Meeting, October 2015 | Year: 2017 | doi:


  5. Simulation of medicanes over the Mediterranean Sea in a regional climate model ensemble: impact of ocean–atmosphere coupling and increased resolution

    Medicanes are cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea having a tropical-like structure but a rather s...

    MA Gaertner, JJ González-Alemán, R Romera, E van Meijgaard, + 15 other Co-Authors | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3456-1
