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First 907 results for ” I Levin”

  1. Aeolus Level 2b Processor Top Level Design

    A SAF style document describing the interfaces and dataflows needed to use the L2Bp software from...

    J de Kloe, P Poli, D Tan | Year: 2007


  2. A regional numerical ocean model of the circulation in the Bay of Biscay

    Y Friocourt, B Levier, S Speich, B Blanke, SS Drijfhout | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 112 | Year: 2007 | doi: doi:10.1029/2006JC003935


  3. HighResMIP versions of EC-Earth: EC-Earth3P and EC-Earth3P-HR – description, model computational performance and basic validation

    A new global high-resolution coupled climate model, EC-Earth3P-HR has been developed by the EC-Ea...

    R Haarsma, M Acosta, R Bakhshi, P-A Bretonnière, L-P Caron, M Castrillo, S Corti, P, Davini, E Exarchou, F Fabiano, U Fladrich, R Fuentes Franco, J García-Serrano, J von Hardenberg, T Koenigk, X Levine, VL Meccia, T van Noije, G van den Oord, FM Palmeiro, M Rodrigo, Y Ruprich-Robert, P Le Sager, E Tourigny, S Wang, M van Weele, K Wyser | Status: published | Journal: Geosci. Model Dev. | Volume: 13 | Year: 2020 | First page: 3507 | Last page: 3527 | doi: 10.5194/gmd-13-3507-2020


  4. Low-level jets boven Cabauw

    P Baas, FC Bosveld, H Klein Baltink | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 17 | Year: 2008


  5. Aeolus Level 2b Processor Users Guide

    This document defines the Users Guide (UG), similar to what usually is called a User Manual in NW...

    J de Kloe | Year: 2008
