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First 4362 results for ” J. Spetzler and P. Kruiver”

  1. Hypocenter uncertainty analysis of induced and tectonic earthquakes in the Netherlands

    Induced earthquakes tend to be shallow, while tectonic events often occur in deeper parts of the ...

    Jesper Spetzler, Elmer Ruigrok and Dagmar Bouwman | Journal: Journal of Seismology | Volume: 28 | Year: 2024 | First page: 555 | Last page: 577 | doi:


  2. Hypocenter Estimation of Detected Event near Venlo on September 3rd 2018

    The hypocenter of the recorded earthquake on September 3rd 2018 close to Venlo has been determine...

    J. Spetzler, E. Ruigrok, B. Dost, L. Evers | Year: 2018 | Pages: 17


  3. Hypocenters for the events between March and May 2023 near Klimmen

    From March to May 2023 four events occurred near Klimmen in Limburg. The origin time of the first...

    J. Spetzler | Year: 2023 | Pages: 10


  4. Ontwerp monitoringsnetwerk voor geïnduceerde seismiciteit ten gevolge van mijnbouwactiviteiten

    In de Motie voorgesteld op 11 maart 2020 (Kamerstuk kst-33529-733) wordt verzocht om een fijnmazi...

    P. Kruiver. B. Dost, E. Ruigrok, J. Spetzler, G.J. van den Hazel, T. Campmans, L. Evers | Year: 2021


  5. Development of seismicity and probabilistic hazard assessment for the Groningen gas field

    The increase in number and strength of shallow induced seismicity connected to the Groningen gas ...

    Bernard Dost, Elmer Ruigrok & Jesper Spetzler | Status: published | Journal: Netherlands Journal of Geosciences | Year: 2017 | doi: 10.1017/njg.2017.20
