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First 196 results for ” M Sofiev”

  1. Comparison of tropospheric NO2 columns from MAX-DOAS retrievals and regional air quality model simulations

    Multi-axis differential optical absorption spectroscopy (MAX-DOAS) tropospheric NO2 column retrie...

    Blechschmidt, A.-M., Arteta, J., Coman, A., Curier, L., Eskes, H., Foret, G., Gielen, C., Hendrick, F., Marécal, V., Meleux, F., Parmentier, J., Peters, E., Pinardi, G., Piters, A. J. M., Plu, M., Richter, A., Segers, A., Sofiev, M., Valdebenito, Á. M., Van Roozendael, M., Vira, J., Vlemmix, T., and Burrows, J. P. | Journal: Atmos. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 20 | Year: 2020 | First page: 2795 | Last page: 2823 | doi: 10.5194/acp-20-2795-2020


  2. ORFEUS Seismological Software Library

    T van Eck, B Dost, M Baer | Year: 2003


  3. TOGOMI Software User Manual

    RF van Oss, P Valks | Year: 2004


  4. TOGOMI Software specification Document

    RF van Oss, P Valks | Year: 2004


  5. The European aerosol budget in 2006

    This paper presents the aerosol budget over Europe in 2006 calculated with the global transport m...

    JMJ Aan de Brugh, M Schaap, E Vignati, F Dentener, M Kahnert, M Sofief, V Huijnen, MC Krol | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Year: 2011 | First page: 1111 | Last page: 1139 | doi: doi:10.5194/acp-11-1117-2011
