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First 1210 results for ” P Kerkmans”

  1. A climatology of microbarom detections at the Kerguelen Islands: unravelling the ambient noise wavefield

    The ambient infrasonic noise field is complex due to the interference of spatially distributed in...

    OFC den Ouden, JD Assink, PSM Smets, LG Evers | Journal: Geophysical Journal International | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.1093/gji/ggab535


  2. LAM and NEDWAM statistics over the period October 1990-April 1991

    LAM and NEDWAM statistics over the period October 1990-April 1991

    R. Van Moerkerken | Year: 1991 | Pages: 77


  3. Stratocumulus modeling

    Stratocumulus modeling 

    P.G. Duynkerke | Year: 1988 | Pages: 114


  4. Verfificatie van GONO golfverwachting over de periode oktober 1987 - april 1988

    Verfificatie van GONO golfverwachting over de periode oktober 1987 - april 1988

    R.A. van Moerkerken | Year: 1989 | Pages: 80


  5. Verificatie van GONO golfverwachtingen en van Engelse fine-mesh winden over de periode oktober 1986 - april 1987

    Wave heights predicted by the operational KNMI wave model ( GONO) and the wind fields derived fr...

    R.A. van Moerkerken | Year: 1989 | Pages: 89
