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First 2944 results for ” WCM van den Bulk”

  1. De staat van ons klimaat in 2023 = The state of Our Climate in 2023: Weather in Caribbean Netherlands in a Changing Climate = Estado di nos Klima 2023: Wer na Hulanda Karibense den tempunan di kambio di Klima

    Het weer in het Caribisch gebied werd in 2023 sterk beïnvloed door La Niña, die rond maart ten ei...

    Nadia Bloemendaal, Carine Homan, Iris Keizer, Eva van der Kooij, Frédérik Ruijs, Peter Siegmund, Bart Verheggen | Year: 2024 | Pages: 20


  2. Night time convection in the interior of a dense Douglas-fir forest.

    FC Bosveld, AAM Holtslag, BjjM van den Hurk | Status: published | Journal: Bound.-Layer Meteorol. | Volume: 93 | Year: 1999 | First page: 171 | Last page: 195


  3. The spreading and mixing of dense gas clouds in still air

    The spreading and mixing of dense gas clouds in still air 

    A.P. van Ulden | Year: 1987 | Pages: 105


  4. Probability density function for Opende 22-02-2020 event

    The Opende event on 22-02-2020:18:12:55.2 with a local magnitude of 1.42 was detected by the KNMI...

    E. Ruigrok, B. Dost | Year: 2020 | Pages: 6


  5. The North Icelandic Jet and its contribution to the Denmark Strait overflow water

    Denmark Strait overflow water (DSOW) is a main contributor to the formation of the deep branch of...

    C Corsaro, A Sterl | Status: submitted | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Year: 2013
