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First 357 results for ”F Immler”

  1. Data archival for Europe and its surroundings: inventory, organization and implementation. NERA deliverable D2.1, 17 pp

    T van Eck, W Hanka, R Sleeman, J Clinton, K Stammler, H Pedersen, S Mazza, J Zednik | Year: 2013


  2. A look at the ocean in the EC-Earth climate model

    A Sterl, R Bintanja, L Brodeau, E Gleeson, T Koenigk, T Schmith, T Semmler, C Severijns, K Wyser, S Yang | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Volume: 39 | Year: 2012 | First page: 2631 | Last page: 2657 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1239-2


  3. The effect of weatherships on numerical analysis and prediction

    The effect of weatherships on numerical analysis and prediction 

    H. Timmerman | Year: 1979 | Pages: 16


  4. Cyclic Markov chains with an application to an intermediate ENSO model

    We develop the theory of cyclic Markov chains and apply it to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (E...

    RA Pasmanter, A Timmermann | Status: published | Journal: Nonlinear Proc. Geophys | Volume: 10 | Year: 2003 | First page: 197 | Last page: 210


  5. Cyclic Markov chains with an application to ENSO predictability

    We develop the theory of cyclic Markov chains and apply it to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (E...

    RA Pasmanter, A Timmermann | Year: 2001
