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First 150 results for ” C. Giraldo”

  1. Extreme Events Contributing to Tipping Elements and Tipping Points

    This review article provides a synthesis and perspective on how weather and climate extreme event...

    Romanou, A. Hegerl, G. C. Seneviratne, S. I. Abis, B. Bastos, A. Conversi, A. Landolfi, A. Kim, H. Lerner, P. E. Mekus, J. Otto-Bliesner, B. L. Pausata, F. S. R. Pinto, I. Suarez-Guiterrez, L. | Journal: Surveys in Geophysics | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.1007/s10712-024-09863-7


  2. Exploring high-end climate change scenarios for flood protection of the Netherlands

    This international scientific assessment has been carried out at the request of the Dutch Delta C...

    Pier Vellinga, Caroline Katsman, Andreas Sterl, Jules Beersma, Wilco Hazeleger, John Church, Robert Kopp, Dick Kroon, Michael Oppenheimer, Hans-Peter Plag, Stefan Rahmstorf, Jason Lowe, Jeff Ridley, Hans von Storch, David Vaughan, Roderik van de Wal, Ralf Weisse, Jaap Kwadijk, Rita Lammersen, Natasha Marinova | Year: 2009 | Pages: 144


  3. Guidelines for Satellite-based Nowcasting in Africa

    Abdoulahat Diop Alex Roberts Andre Kamga Foamhouhoue Beth Woodhams Douglas Parker Jennifer Fletcher Jos de Laat Lee-Ann Simpson Mark Higgins Morne Gijben Natasa Strelec Mahovic Pilar Ripodas Ralph Petersen Sarah Kimani Stephan Bojinski Steven Goodman Vesa Nietosvaara Vincent Gabaglio Xavier Calbet | Year: 2023


  4. SCIAMACHY -- Monitoring the Changing Earth's Atmosphere

    M Gottwald, H Bovensmann, G Lichtenberg, S Noel, A von Bargen, S Slijkhuis, AJM Piters, R Hoogeveen, C von Savigny, M Buchwitz, A Kokhanovsky, A Richter, A Rozanov, T Holzer-Popp, et al | Year: 2006 | Publisher: DLR - IMF


  5. Human contribution to the record-breaking June and July 2019 heat waves in Western Europe

    Two extreme heatwaves hit Western Europe in the summer of 2019, with historical records broken by...

    R Vautard, MK van Aalst, O Boucher, A Drouin, K Haustein, F Kreienkamp, GJ van Oldenborgh, FEL Otto, A Ribes, Y Robin, M Schneider, JM Soubeyroux, SI Seneviratne, MM Vogel, M Wehner | Status: published | Journal: Environmental Research Letters | Volume: 15 | Year: 2020 | First page: 094077 | doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aba3d4
