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First 135 results for ” T Kram”

  1. Atmospheric composition of West Africa: highlights from the AMMA international program

    CH Mari, CE Reeves, K.S. Law, G Ancellet, M Dolores Andres-Hernandez, B Barret, J. Bechara, A. Borbon, I Bouarar, F. Cairo, R. Commane, C Delon, M.J. Evans, F. Fierli, C Floquet, C. Galy-Laxaux, DE Heard, C.D. Homan, T. Ingham, N Larsen, A.C. Lewis, C. Liousse, JG Murhpy, E. Orlandi, D.E. Oram, M Saunois, D. Serca, DJ Stewart, D. Stone, V. Thouret, PFJ van Velthoven, J Williams | Status: accepted | Journal: Atmos. Sci. Lett. | Year: 2010 | doi: doi: 10.1002/asl.289


  2. Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes

    A large number of recent studies have aimed at understanding short-duration rainfall extremes, du...

    Fowler, H.J., Ali, H., Allan, R.P., Ban, N., Barbero, R., Berg, P., Blenkinsop, S., Cabi, N.S., Chan, S., Dale, M., Dunn, R.J.H., Ekström, M., Evans, J.P., Fosser, G., Golding, B., Guerreiro, S.B., Hegerl, G.C., Kahraman, A., Kendon, E.J., Lenderink, G., Lewis, E., Li, X., O'Gorman, P.A., Orr, H.G., Peat, K.L., Prein, A.F., Pritchard, D., Schär, C., Sharma, A., Stott, P.A., Villalobos-Herrera, R., Villarini, G., Wasko, C., Wehner, M.F., Westra, S., Whitford, A. | Journal: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | Volume: 379 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1 | Last page: 22 | doi: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0542


  3. Results from the Ice Thickness Models Intercomparison eXperiment Phase 2 (ITMIX2)

    Knowing the ice thickness distribution of a glacier is of fundamental importance for a number of ...

    Farinotti Daniel, Brinkerhoff Douglas J., Fürst Johannes J., Gantayat Prateek, Gillet-Chaulet Fabien, Huss Matthias, Leclercq Paul W., Maurer Hansruedi, Morlighem Mathieu, Pandit Ankur, Rabatel Antoine, Ramsankaran RAAJ, Reerink Thomas J., Robo Ellen, Rouges Emmanuel, Tamre Erik, van Pelt Ward J. J., Werder Mauro A., Azam Mohod Farooq, Li Huilin, Andreassen Liss M. | Journal: Front. Earth Sci | Year: 2021 | doi:


  4. Space & Climate collaboration United States of America and the Netherlands

    Aaldert van Amerongen, Kevin Bowman, Enrico Dammers, Bastiaan van Diedenhoven, Hugo Denier van der Gon, Gregory Frost, Joanna Joiner, Kenneth Jucks, Kirk D. Knobelspiesse, Nickolay Krotkov, Pieternel Levelt, Laura Lorenzoni, Bram Maasakkers, Ross Salawitch, Arlindo M. da Silva, William Swartz, Pepijn Veefkind, Helen Worden, Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff | Year: 2024


  5. Limited role of climate change in extreme low rainfall associated with southern Madagascar food insecurity, 2019-21

    Southern Madagascar recently experienced a severe food security crisis, made significantly worse ...

    Harrington, Luke James and Wolski, Piotr and Pinto, Izidine and Ramarosandratana, AnzelàMamiarisoa and Barimalala, Rondrotiana and Vautard, Robert and Philip, Sjoukje and Kew, Sarah and Singh, Roop and Heinrich, Dorothy and Arrighi, Julie and Raju, Emmanuel and Thalheimer, Lisa and Razanakoto, Thierry and van Aalst, Maarten and Li, Sihan and Bonnet, Rémy and Yang, Wenchang and Otto, Friederike E L and van Oldenborgh, Geert Jan | Journal: Environ. Res.: Climate | Year: 2022 | doi:
