The need of polarization modeling for ozone profile retrieval from backscattered sunlight
In the ultraviolet and visible part of the spectrum, measurements of space-borne grating spectrom...
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Assimilation of along-track altimeter data in the Tropical Pacific region of a global OGCM ensemble
Identical-twin experiments are performed with an ocean general
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Seasonality of multidecadal and centennial variability in European temperatures: the wavelet approach
Temperature variability on multidecadal and longer timescales is studied by application of Wavele...
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Regression model for generating time series of daily precipitation amounts for climate change impact studies
The precipitation amounts on wet days at De Bilt ( the Netherlands) are linked to temperature and...
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Scale invariance in long-term time series. In: M. Novak, (Ed.) Fractal Reviews in the Natural and Applied Sciences
The 15 SPECMAP records of reconstructed paleotemperatures, the GRIP isotopic oxygen record, and t...
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