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First 1545 results for ” Dimitri Trapon”

  1. Homogenization of daily temperatures using covariates and statistical learning—The case of parallel measurements

    A data driven method based on generalized additive modelling (GAM) has been developed for homogen...

    de Valk, Cees en Brandsma, Theo | Journal: International Journal of Climatology | Year: 2023 | doi: 10.1002/joc.8258


  2. Self-supervision, remote sensing and abstraction: representation learning across 3 million locations

    Self-supervision based deep learning classification approaches have received considerable attenti...

    Sachith Seneviratne, Kerry A. Nice, Jasper S. Wijnands, Mark Stevenson, Jason Thompson | Journal: Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA) | Year: 2022 | doi:


  3. S-ProvFlow. Storing and Exploring Lineage Data as a Service

    We present a set of configurable Web service and interactive tools, s-ProvFlow, for managing and ...

    Alessandro Spinuso, Malcolm Atkinson, Federica Magnoni | Journal: Data Intelligence | Year: 2022 | doi:


  4. Bayesian Sea Ice Detection With the ERS Scatterometer and Sea Ice Backscatter Model at C-Band

    This paper describes the adaptation of a Bayesian sea ice detection algorithm for the scatteromet...

    Inès Otosaka, Maria Belmonte Rivas, Ad Stoffelen | Journal: IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | Volume: 56 | Year: 2018 | doi:


  5. Wind Retrievalfor Cfoscat Edge and Nadir Observations Based on Neural Networks And Improved Principle Component Analysis

    CFOSCAT is the first rotating fan-beam scatterometer in space. It is on board the China France Oc...

    Xingou Xu, Ad Stoffelen | Journal: IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | Year: 2019 | doi:
