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First 1542 results for ” LP Steele”

  1. Het KNMI-programma Hisklim (Historisch Klimaat)

    Het KNMI heeft een grote achterstand bij het digitaliseren, bewerken, beschik-baar stellen en beh...

    Theo Brandsma, Frits Koek, Hendrik Wallbrink, Günther Können | Year: 2000 | Pages: 72


  2. Verbetering bodemtemperatuurmetingen

    KNMI measures soil temperature at four locations in the Netherlands. Measurements are carried out...

    A.N. Mazee en R. Jilderda | Year: 2005 | Pages: 23


  3. Overview of the GEWEX Atmospheric Boundary Layer Study (GABLS)

    In 2001 the steering group of GEWEX (formally known as the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experime...

    AAM Holtslag, G Svensson, S Basu, B Beare, FC Bosveld, J Cuxart | Conference: ECMWF Workshop on diurnal cycles and the stable boundary layer | Organisation: ECMWF | Place: Reading, Berkshire, UK | Year: 2011 | First page: 11 | Last page: 24


  4. Overstromingen in Malawi en Mozambique

    Midden januari werden Malawi en Mozambique getroffen door hevige regenval die grote problemen ver...

    GJ van Oldenborgh, A Kruczkiewicz, M van Aalst | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 24 | Year: 2015 | First page: 24 | Last page: 26


  5. A two-dimensional effective sound speed parabolic equation model for infrasound propagation with ground topography

    A terrain capable parabolic equation (PE) propagation algorithm for long range infrasound propaga...

    R Waxler, C Hetzer, JD Assink, PS Blom | Journal: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | Volume: 152 | Year: 2022 | First page: 3659 | Last page: 3669 | doi:
