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First 1847 results for ” S Underwood”

  1. Comprehensive Analysis of Seasonal and Geographical Variation in UVB Radiation Relevant for Vitamin D Production in Europe

    Dermal synthesis, following sun exposure, is the main source of vitamin D. This study characteriz...

    Khanna T, Shraim R, Zarkovic M, van Weele M, van Geffen J, Zgaga L. | Journal: Nutrients | Volume: 14 | Year: 2022 | First page: 5189 | Last page: 5204 | doi: 10.3390/nu14235189


  2. Using Explainable Machine Learning Forecasts to Discover Subseasonal Drivers of High Summer Temperatures in Western and Central Europe

    Reliable subseasonal forecasts of high summer temperatures would be very valuable for society. Al...

    Chiem van Straaten, Kirien Whan, Dim Coumou, Bart van den Hurk, and Maurice Schmeits | Journal: Monthly Weather Review | Volume: 150 | Year: 2022 | First page: 1115 | Last page: 1134 | doi:


  3. Aerosol first indirect effect of African smoke at the cloud base of marine cumulus clouds over Ascension Island, southern Atlantic Ocean

    The interactions between aerosols and clouds are among the least understood climatic processes an...

    M. de Graaf, K. Sarna, J. Brown, E. V. Tenner, M. Schenkels and D. P. Donovan | Journal: ACP | Volume: 23 | Year: 2023 | First page: 5373 | Last page: 5391 | doi: 10.5194/acp-23-5373-2023


  4. Estimation of advective fluxes from CO2 flux profile observations at the Cabauw Tower

    The exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) between the atmosphere and the terrestrial biosphere is an i...

    Kasper O. Gerritsen | Year: 2012 | Pages: 72


  5. Microgravity as a tool for eruption forecasting

    Detection of gravity change over time has been used to better understand magmatic activity at vol...

    Elske de Zeeuw - van Dalfsen, Michael P. Poland | Journal: Journal of Volcanology and geothermal research | Volume: 442 | Year: 2023 | doi:
