Uncertainties in extreme surge level estimates from observational records
Ensemble simulations with a total length of 7540 years are generated with a climate model, and co...
HW van den Brink, GP Können, JD Opsteegh | Status: published | Journal: Trans. A. of the Royal Society | Volume: 363 | Year: 2005 | First page: 1377 | Last page: 1386 | doi: 10.1098/rsta.2005.1573
Establishment of conceptual schemas of surface synoptic meteorological situations affecting fine particulate pollution across eastern China in the winter
In the present study, the characteristics of weather conditions and local meteorological
X Hou, B Zhu, KR Kumar, G de Leeuw, W Lu, Q Huang, X Zhu | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 125 | Year: 2020 | First page: 1 | Last page: 17 | doi: https://doi.org/ 10.1029/2020JD033153
Impact of ASCAT Scatterometer Wind Observations on the High-Resolution Limited-Area Model (HIRLAM) within an Operational Context
Denial experiments, also denoted observing system experiments (OSEs), are used to determine the i...
S de Haan, GJ Marseille, P de Valk, J de Vries | Status: published | Journal: Weather and Forecasting | Year: 2013 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-12-00056.1
The impact and recovery of asteroid 2018 LA
The June 2, 2018 impact of asteroid 2018 LA over Botswana is only the second asteroid detected in...
P Jenniskens, JD Assink, LG Evers, et al. | Journal: Meteoritics & Planetary Science | Volume: 56 | Year: 2021 | doi: 10.1111/maps.13653
De meteorologische aspecten van luchtverontreinigingsmodellen : eindrapport van het project klimatologie verspreidingsmodellen
In dit rapport worden de resultaten van het project "klimatologie verspreidingsmodellen" gepresen...
A.A.M. Holtslag en A.P. van Ulden | Year: 1983 | Pages: 77