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First 935 results for ” A Bansemer”

  1. Daily mean sea level pressure reconstructions for the European - North Atlantic region for the period 1850-2003

    The development of a daily historical North-Atlantic – European mean sea level pressure (MSLP) da...

    T Ansell et al., T Brandsma | Status: published | Journal: J. Climate | Year: 2006 | doi:


  2. Quality Control of Ku-band scatterometer winds

    A good assessment of the information content of scatterometer winds is particularly important in ...

    A Verhoef, A Stoffelen | Year: 2012


  3. Towards an Improved Ku-Band Scatterometer Wind Product

    The EUMETSAT NSCAT Fellowship has been carried out at the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Instit...

    J Figa, A Stoffelen | Year: 1999


  4. Advances in Ku-band scatterometer Quality Control

    The Satellite Application Facilities (SAFs) are dedicated centres of excellence for processing sa...

    Anton Verhoef, Ad Stoffelen | Year: 2021


  5. Cone Metrics for C and Ku-Band Scatterometers

    Scatterometer radar systems in space prove very stable in calibration, but how do we know this? T...

    Ad Stoffelen, Maria Belmonte Rivas, Jeroen Verspeek | Journal: 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS | Year: 2021 | doi:
