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First 304 results for ” A Boone”

  1. NPK-TIG oefendag 16 december 1998

    NPK-TIG oefendag 16 december 1998

    G.T. Geertsema, H. van Dorp en F.C.Kroonenberg | Year: 1999 | Pages: 24


  2. Arctic tern flyways and the changing Atlantic Ocean wind patterns

    Migratory bird trajectories are the result of their own speed and direction in combination with w...

    Nomikos Skyllas, Maarten J.J.E. Loonen, Richard Bintanja | Journal: Climate Change Ecology | Volume: 6 | Year: 2023 | First page: 100076 | doi:


  3. PLUIMRADAR: Een snelle indruk van de verspreiding van stoffen door de lucht

    Luchtverspreidingsmodellen kunnen tijdens ongevallen met gevaarlijke stoffen, zoals een brand of ...

    Gertie Geertsema, Frank Kroonenberg, Gea Stam, Pepijn Morgenstern, Marco Nolet en Jasper Tomas | Year: 2018


  4. OMI Validation Needs for the AVE January 2006 Validation Campaign, Costa Rica, San Jose Airport

    The January 2005 AVE Campaign will take place from San Jose Airport, Costa Rica, from 17 January ...

    M Kroon, et al. | Year: 2006


  5. Report of the Validation Work Group Meeting held during the OMI Science Team Meeting #7

    M Kroon | Year: 2006
