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First 95 results for ” A.C. Lewis”

  1. Changes in the frequency and intensity of extremes over Northeast Africa

    Climate of Northeastern Africa varies from humid to semi-arid with both abundant and scarce mois...

    G Endalew | Year: 2007 | Pages: 46


  2. Towards advancing scientific knowledge of climate change impacts on short-duration rainfall extremes

    A large number of recent studies have aimed at understanding short-duration rainfall extremes, du...

    Fowler, H.J., Ali, H., Allan, R.P., Ban, N., Barbero, R., Berg, P., Blenkinsop, S., Cabi, N.S., Chan, S., Dale, M., Dunn, R.J.H., Ekström, M., Evans, J.P., Fosser, G., Golding, B., Guerreiro, S.B., Hegerl, G.C., Kahraman, A., Kendon, E.J., Lenderink, G., Lewis, E., Li, X., O'Gorman, P.A., Orr, H.G., Peat, K.L., Prein, A.F., Pritchard, D., Schär, C., Sharma, A., Stott, P.A., Villalobos-Herrera, R., Villarini, G., Wasko, C., Wehner, M.F., Westra, S., Whitford, A. | Journal: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences | Volume: 379 | Year: 2021 | First page: 1 | Last page: 22 | doi: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0542


  3. Verification of Doppler Sodar measurements

    Verification of Doppler Sodar measurements

    A.C.M. Beljaars | Year: 1985 | Pages: 42


  4. Enkele wind- en golfstatistieken uit het Deltagebied

    Enkele wind- en golfstatistieken uit het Deltagebied 

    A.C. Bakker | Year: 1962 | Pages: 29


  5. The measurement of gustiness at routine wind station : a review

    Many meteorological stations observe wind gusts on a routine basis. The measuring procedures, how...

    A.C.M. Beljaars | Year: 1987 | Pages: 52
