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First 885 results for ” Redondas”

  1. Homogeniteit, betrouwbaarheid en reductie van klimatologische reeksen

    Homogeniteit, betrouwbaarheid en reductie van klimatologische reeksen

    P.J. Rijkoort | Year: 1958 | Pages: 36


  2. Het vochtprofiel in de convectieve grenslaag

    Het vochtprofiel in de convectieve grenslaag

    M. Lindeman, A.G.M. Driedonks en J. Reiff | Year: 1984 | Pages: 130


  3. Representing the atmospheric boundary layer in climate models of intermediate complexity

    RJ Ronda, RJ Haarsma, AAM Holtslag | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2003 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-003-0338-0


  4. Sky view factor calculations and its application in urban heat island studies

    M Dirksen, RJ Ronda, NE Theeuwes, GA Pagani | Status: published | Journal: Urban Climate | Volume: 30 | Year: 2019 | doi:


  5. Hot Arctic-Cold Continents: Global Impacts of Arctic Change

    International Polar Year Oslo Science Conference; Oslo, Norway, 8–12 June 2010; A warmer Arctic c...

    JE Overland, R Grand Graversen, M Honda | Status: published | Journal: EOS Transactions | Volume: 91 | Year: 2011 | First page: 373 | doi: 10.1029/2010EO410007
