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First 284 results for ” Wim C. de Rooy”

  1. A simple parameterization for detrainment in shallow cumulus

    WC de Rooy, AP Siebesma | Status: published | Journal: Mon. Wea. Rev. | Volume: 136 | Year: 2008 | First page: 560 | Last page: 576


  2. Harmonie Verification and Evaluation

    This document constitutes a summary of verification and evaluation research of the Harmonie model...

    W de Rooy, H de Vries | Year: 2016


  3. Aanpassing vocht-bedekkingsgraadrelaties in het LAM

    Aanpassing vocht-bedekkingsgraadrelaties in het LAM

    W.C. de Rooy | Year: 1992 | Pages: 21


  4. Entrainment and detrainment in cumulus convection: an overview

    Entrainment and detrainment processes have been recognised for a long time as key processes for c...

    Wim C. de Rooy, Peter Bechtold, Kristina Fröhlich, Cathy Hohenegger, Harm Jonker, Dmitrii Mironov, A. Pier Siebesma, Joao Teixeira, Jun-Ichi Yano | Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Volume: 139 | Year: 2013 | First page: 1 | Last page: 19 | doi: 10.1002/qj.1959


  5. Evaluation of HARMONIE in the KNMI Parameterisation Testbed

    EIF de Bruijn, WC de Rooy | Status: published | Journal: Advances in Science and Research | Year: 2012
